does this housing set up sound like it will work?

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
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so we just got a Flemish Giant. We were originally going to build her a really big hutch, but then a thought occured to me, why not use a dog run? We would bury wire down about a foot to keep her from digging out, and put a secure cover on the top to keep anything from getting in. we would get, or build, an appropriate sized shelter. is there any reason this wouldn't work? Just seems to me it would give her a really decent amount of space.
I think that would work if the fencing material is small enough that they couldn't squeeze through.
it will be chain link, she's pretty big so i don't think it should be a problem. but chicken wire is cheap so maybe we will add some around the bottom just to be safe
Rabbits can chew through chicken wire, you're better off with an aviary type mesh to bury into the ground or put around the bottom :)
Also I'm not sure where you live, but also consider predators that could get through the chain link and hurt her, e.g. snakes, raccoons (they're excellent reachers), etc.
thanks! didn't know that about the chicken wire! picked up the run today, its 10x10. I don't think any racoons will be able to reach her. There aren't really any snakes big enough, well indigenous snakes big enough, to eat her. A large black snake maybe but the odds of one ending up in my back yard is pretty slim.
Also I'm not sure where you live, but also consider predators that could get through the chain link and hurt her, e.g. snakes, raccoons (they're excellent reachers), etc.

I have lost so many chickens to raccoons when I thought they were safe. If you have raccoons, you will need a very strong setup.
do you mind if i ask how the raccoon got them? I'm going to put a lock on the gate, mostly to keep someone from stealing her, but I know a raccoon would be able to open the gate so it will serve dual purpose
i also have had problems with raccoons with my chickens. the raccoon scared the chicken out of the coop and grabbed her threw the wire of the coop. it was not able to get into the coop, so it just ate her threw the wire. it was unpleasant to come outside to a hollowed out chicken corps. i would also be worried about weasels. thos little guys are small but can take down large pray.
in my opinion, a dog kennel is so much wasted space for a rabbit as they are only using the bottom floor. I think it would be super cool if you could build some Ramps and maybe more floors. also, make sure you have some type of housing for the bun, it might be scared not having anywhere to run and hide, especially at night with predators lurking. if I were you I would cover the whole bottom, maybe a foot or so up with hardware cloth and make an apron along the ground on the outside with it as well. that is what we do for our chickens in their run. you'd be surprised how smart raccoons are. they can open gates and will even dig under the kennel to get what they want.
oh no, definitely will have a house. BF has grand ideas of shelves and ramps he's going to make for her. I think we will still build a hutch for her to lock her up at night, it just wont have to be as big as if it were her primary residence. we set the run up this weekend, she's not in it yet, I still have to cover the top and put wire around the bottom. she's getting rammy inside.
do you mind if i ask how the raccoon got them? I'm going to put a lock on the gate, mostly to keep someone from stealing her, but I know a raccoon would be able to open the gate so it will serve dual purpose

The raccoon broke my chicken coop and lately, now that we have a stronger chicken coop, comes out in broad daylight to kill them. We don't free range them much anymore due to this.

There's no way a raccoon could get through a lock. I think your setup sounds pretty safe, actually. Safer than my chicken coop, at least.

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