Does she look overweight?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
Amesville, Ohio, USA
I got this doe at the end of september and bred her. She didn't take. When I got her she was quite a bit smaller. She had her last litter on the 17th of may, and the woman said it did take alot out of her. And she has gained a lot of weight, but I think she looks a lot better. She's a very solid rabbit now. I thought she WAS pregnant because of the amount of weight she did gain. I'm sure we feed two different types of feed, and the amounts may be different..

But maybe she is fat? The old owner had mentioned that. And sorry I couldn't get her to sit exactly straight.


Nope, sure doesn't look overweight.
How much does she weigh, and what breed is she?

I have a Holland/Dutch cross, and I always keep his weight around the normal weight of those two breeds. He average about 5 lbs, and it's a healthy, yet not overweight, weight for him.

If she's a little over her max. weight, I would exercise her, cut back a little on the pellets, and get her to drop a few ounces before breeding her again. ;)

My MR doe is the same way. She's chunky, but not in danger of going over max weight. They're just well fed, hehe. :)

Hopefully she gets bred for ya!! I'm breeding my girl today. First try was successful...I think she didn't take last time because she wouldn't lift for the buck, so he wouldn't grunt & fall off. He did this time though! :D Yayy!

She may not have taken because she was so out of condition when you got her, plus the stress of being in a new environment. She looks very good and healthy now.
i have the same question about my Willow, people tell me she's a fatty but i don't think she is. I think its her dewlap that makes them say that. i just had her weighed at the vet when she was spayed last week and she was 9 lbs. she is a 8 month old rex. the vet said she looked "very well nurished". I asked him if he meant she was fat and he just smiled.... :dunno. does nine pounds seem too much for her breed and age?

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