Does littler trained mean

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Bella uses a litter box most the the time... Very rarely will she get over excited and leave a few surprises.

Onzlo on the other hand likes to mark his territory,he stillpees in the box all the time, thankfully, and when he feels everythingis rightly his, his litter box habits get a lot better again.

Pebbles is very good with her litterhabits. However in the smaller box, she tends to sit with herbutt on the edge and pee over the side. Another thing is,when she jumps out of the box, a poop wouldpop out, onto thefloor.

Rainbows! :)
The rabbits are nearly impeccable when it comesto peeing in the litterbox, but they drop their little cocoapuffs all around the cage (thank goodness for wire floors) and anoccasional puff or two around my room.The cats - of course -think that these are great fun to bat around...
hmm.. both of mine always pee in their litterboxes, but sometimes they'll leave poos here and there..but only inplaces where they have decided it's 'theirs'.. if i clean it up as soonas i see it though, they stop for awhile.. (then they trylater to reclaim it :p )
Mine pees 100% of the time, and poops 98% of thetime in the box in the cage. Out side of the cage it is pee98% off the time...sometimes he just forgets what he is doing!! lol andpoops 97% although my dogs are quick to clean up what does not end upin the box and even tries to sneak into the box to getthose!! Silly dogs...gross I know but that is the life of amulti animal house!! lol
