Does he *like* me, or what?

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Feb 13, 2005
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Hi everyone!

I haven't been on here in quite a while, but I knew you guys would be the ones to come to with this question.

My rabbit - an un-neutered (I think) male - has been flicking pee onme. :shock: I'm the only one he does itto. He'll come over and he'll sit by me and sit under thedesk by my feet. But, a couple of times a day, he'll flickpee on me!!!!:mad:

I tried doing some research online, and they said that if a rabbit ismad at you, he'll pee on your stuff, but the only time they mentionedflicking the pee is when they're "marking their territory."

So, what do you think? Does my rabbit hate me or have a thing for me? :shock:

Thanks in advance!

Does he spray or just flick? Sometimes whenDevon pees he gets his feet wet and then shakes them out, thus causingpee droplets to fly everywhere.
How is he "flicking" it? It soundslike he's spraying you to me. He's probably claiming you ashis mate.:p Spraying can mean a whole bunch of other things,too, such as " I hate you" and "I'm the top bunny here!" Oh,and a rabbit peeing on your furniture, etc. could also be claimingterritory and not just mad at you.
I would tend toward the belief that he is madlyin love with you. You better get him nuetered, or start growing yourears long so you won't make such an odd couple :)
Aren't rabbits great?!?
bunnydude wrote:
Does he spray or just flick? Sometimes when Devon pees hegets his feet wet and then shakes them out, thus causing pee dropletsto fly everywhere.

No, he's not shaking really. He'll hop and kind of flick his back feet and my feet will be wet. :X

Oh, man. You guys basically confirmed what I suspected. My rabbit has a thing for me. :shock:

My husband is NEVER going to let me live this one down.

Thank you all for your input. I think. lol

MizzzGM1 wrote:
bunnydude wrote:
Does hespray or just flick? Sometimes when Devon pees he gets his feet wet andthen shakes them out, thus causing pee droplets to flyeverywhere.

No, he's not shaking really. He'll hop and kind of flick his back feet and my feet will be wet. :X

Oh, man. You guys basically confirmed what I suspected. My rabbit has a thing for me. :shock:

My husband is NEVER going to let me live this one down.

Thank you all for your input. I think. lol


Mine "loves" me too. The little stinker!:p

I think he is marking you as HIS. I think he loves you! Not the sweetest way to show it...little stinker :p
when hack was 5 months he would do this if hubby was in the room with us.

One wknd we went to my mums came back and he gave us both a dousing which was really gross after a 3hr drive.

In the end after being soaked a couple of times we took the littlestinker to the vet and had him neutered needless to say its now stoppedxx

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