mini lop luva
Well-Known Member
I heard from someone that if you get your girlneuted it will stop them having cancer at about 5 years of age is thistrue? and will it make them go argessive after the chop? :?
But does't it make them go nasty and bite ? :?
I have a question. It may be stupid, but I'm asking anyway:
Can ultrasound be used on rabbits to determine if they've been spayed?
I was told Snuggy wasa "neuteredmale"whenI got her,so I'm not sureif she was spayed ornot.
I asked my vet about it. He couldn't find a scar, but he saidit's possible that a spay might not leave a scar with current suturingmethods.
The thought of losing her to something preventable is very upsetting,but I don't want to subject her to exploratory surgery if there'sanother way.
How early can ovarian cancer show up in rabbits?Ovarian cancer can start a lot earlier. My Bunnywas spayed at 1 1/2 and she already had a cancerous tumor.
Iam most certainly NOT a male! Would I be wearing ear bows ifI were a boy?
My dumb humans called me "Mr. Snuggles" for five long months until Dr.Hannon set them straight. Sheesh! The abuse I'vehad to endure....
Yes, Spring, she's aprincess and she knows it.Lol! :laughahahahaha! "My" dumb humans
. I canjust a bit tell who's a spoiled bunny bun!