Does having a girl rabbit neuterd stop them having cancer

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mini lop luva

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
London, , United Kingdom
I heard from someone that if you get your girlneuted it will stop them having cancer at about 5 years of age is thistrue? and will it make them go argessive after the chop? :?
Spaying a doe prevents any cancers and/or tumors of the reproductive tract because those organs are removed.

mini lop luva wrote:
But does't it make them go nasty and bite ? :?

In many cases, their dispositions may actually improve. Doesactually have a tendency to get "hormonal" and nasty when puberty kicksin at 6+ months.

Ovarian cancer can start a lot earlier. My Bunny was spayed at 1 1/2 and she already had a cancerous tumor.

I have a question. It may be stupid, but I'm asking anyway:

Can ultrasound be used on rabbits to determine if they've been spayed?

I was told Snuggy wasa "neuteredmale"whenI got her,so I'm not sureif she was spayed ornot. :mad:

I asked my vet about it. He couldn't find a scar, but he saidit's possible that a spay might not leave a scar with current suturingmethods.

The thought of losing her to something preventable is very upsetting,but I don't want to subject her to exploratory surgery if there'sanother way.

Laura wrote:
I have a question. It may be stupid, but I'm asking anyway:

Can ultrasound be used on rabbits to determine if they've been spayed?

I was told Snuggy wasa "neuteredmale"whenI got her,so I'm not sureif she was spayed ornot. :mad:

I asked my vet about it. He couldn't find a scar, but he saidit's possible that a spay might not leave a scar with current suturingmethods.

The thought of losing her to something preventable is very upsetting,but I don't want to subject her to exploratory surgery if there'sanother way.


Thats a good Question Laura , I dont have a clueif they can tell if the nursery has beenremoved , but it should be possible , They did ultra sound onCowboy to try and locate the hair mass hewas suffering ., The vet was explaining the lowerand upper intestinal tract to me as shemoved the probe around, so I do have tothink If she could see all that , why wouldnt it show up asto if the uterus was there or not ? Cant hurt toask your vet .
The vet might be able to view the reproductiveorgans (or lack of)with an ultrasound. He may alsobe able to palpate the abdomen.

Results from the ultrasound may be inconclusive.

Thanks Gypsy and Pam.

I've called the store where I got her (Petco) and they assured me thatALL of their rabbits are either spayed or neutered before they aresold. They even gave me the name of the vet theyuse.

They apologized and said it was probably a case of an unknowledgable sales clerk mis-sexing the rabbits.

Next time we see Dr. Hannon, I'm going to ask him about doing an ultrasound, just to be safe.


You might want to suggest to Petco that theyhave their vets tattoo the tummies of the spayed girls. Thisis a common procedure that will help avoid unnecessary surgery in aspayed doe.

Generally it shows up at abut 5 tears of age, but can start earlier.

I am most certainly NOT a male! Would I be wearing ear bows if I were a boy?

My dumb humans called me "Mr. Snuggles" for five long months until Dr.Hannon set them straight. Sheesh! The abuse I'vehad to endure....


Snuggy wrote:
Iam most certainly NOT a male! Would I be wearing ear bows ifI were a boy?

My dumb humans called me "Mr. Snuggles" for five long months until Dr.Hannon set them straight. Sheesh! The abuse I'vehad to endure....


Lol! :laugh:pahahahaha! "My" dumb humans :). I can just a bit tell who's a spoiled bunny bun!

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