Does anyone watch Pretty Little Liars?

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Jun 21, 2012
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York, South Carolina, USA
I'm on like season 2, I don't really want to watch it anymore because I think its sort of stupid...but I have to know who killed that girl?

And WTH is up with the blind girl? Can no one see that that cop is sketchy?

So please, feel free to spoil it for me. Who killed Alison? I've tried to google it but there are books too and I think the books are different than the show.

Someone please, tell me who did it. I can't watch any more of this...but I have to know!
Lisa, don't. Its not very good, and its WAY too long. Like they could have had one season and been done but no...they had to drag it out for 4 seasons. I just want to know who did what and who who is.

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