Does anyone here sponsor a child?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2007
Reaction score
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with sponsoring a child?

Mario and I have been thinking about it for a long time. I started looking into some organizations. I was wondering if they permitted you to send packages to the child? Like for sure at Christmas I would HAVE to send gifts. I just want to have a more active role. I don't want to send just money, though I know it is very helpful. I want cards, pictures, etc. Lol.

So does anyone have any experience with it?
We sponsor a child through Compassion. It's an awesome thing. The thing you will find is if it is a child outside of the US they really only allow you to send what can fit in an envelope (bookmarks, stickers, coloring pages, etc) The reason being is many of these countries will charge them a tariff for sending stuff in. Also some countries will just confiscate it and it never gets there. With compassion at Christmas you give a donation and at birthdays and they take the money and buy your child appropriate gifts for the area they live in. Last year with the money I sent Ganga our little girl in India received a new dress, a book and something else that I don't remember. They also allow you to give a family gift to the child's family. Hope this helps.

Here is their website

Also you can write to your child and they write back to you through an interpreter and eventually on their own. Also you can send cards.

I definitely recommend Big Brothers, Big Sisters. It's not really a sponsoring a child type thing, but sometimes you can give them more than money, items, etc. I have found that it is a very rewarding program. It allows you to be more in contact with the child and spend more time with them. Just a thought :) It's really not a lot of commitment time either.

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