Does anyone here have their tongue pierced?

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
I just got my tongue pierced on Thursday. I amsitting here eating a wet red sauce been and cheese burrito that iskinda spicey. Is it bad to be eating spicey foods?

The past three days I have been eating ice cream, italian ice, and apple sauce. This solid food tastes great!

Oh.....and no....a tongue piercing didn't hurt. It hurt less than my snake bites!

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Wow, Amy. I could never dothat. I know some people say it hurts the first day reallybad and others say it doesn't hurt. Yikes, I'm a baby so Iknow it would hurt me:shock:. I would love to get that partof my ear peirced that sticks out, but I've heard that hurtstoo. I think it looks so cool.

I don't think eating anything spicy at this point would hurt anything:D.
It really didn't hurt, haha. It was painless. My piercer is amazing though.

I did almost pass out when I was paying though. My eyes startedblacking out and I got really dizzy. I think that happened when I gotmy snake bites too....not as bad though.

My tongue only hurts when I wake up in the morning and sometimesthrough-out the day. I just keep taking ibuprofen for the swelling andpain.

I didn't even want my tongue done. I always thought it was gross and stuff. My friend talked me into it though, haha.

I hope I talk normal by the time work rolls around on Monday :).

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Eating solid foods probably won't hurt it.
After eating though, you should clean around the piercing and stuff.

What did you piercer give you to clean it?
Hi undergunfire :)

I have my tongue pierced and was toldnot tosmoke,drinking alcohol or eat spicy foods until the tongue ishealed when I got mine done.

My piercer told me I can eat and drink anythingI want, to just follow his cleaning procedures....which is lots ofmouthwashing and sea salt rinsing.

I just wasn't sure if eating spicey foods would hurt the area around the piercing or not :).

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
If your piercer said that you could eat or drink anything you want, I say go for it.
Just clean it like he (or she?) advised.

I almost got my tongue pierced like three years ago, but I chickenedout; the piercer told me that I had a huge vein in the middle of mytongue. She said that she could try to move it, but I decided againstthat and got my nose done instead :)

Did your tongue swell up alot?
I have my tongue pierced. The firstthing I did when I got home was drank lots of ice water so my tonguedidn't swell, and it didn't.

Then I stayed away from anything spicey, actually I stayed away fromsolid food period, pretty much. I lost 5 lbs when I got itdone. (Maybe I should go get another one hahaha)Just stick to easy things to eat for now. I did eat somepasta, cuz that didn't need much chewing lol

Do I have a tongue ring? No.

Do I have tongue ringS? Yup.

My BF took this pic today when we were goofing off. I also have mytragus pierced, I think where AngelNSnuffy says she wants hers done.



Jenfur-Sweet! Aahhh, I knew it musthave a name-tradus. Thanks! Did yourshurt? A girl I know that just got hers done said the 3rd dayhers hurt, but that was about it. *Still scared*
Pain was minimal. My eyebrow (which has longbeen retired) was my worst one. The only weird thing about the traguspiercing was that you could hear it crunch thru the cartilage, and thenpop out the other side. It didn't swell, and I haven't had any problemswith it since. I've had it for 4 years. Next I want to get my rook done.

But pain is different for each person. Like I can barely handle gettinga shot at the dr's, but I have 6 tattoes, along with the piercingsyou've seen. So it's all up to the person.

Plus, you have to figure, by the time it starts to hurt, it's already done!
jenfur427 wrote:
The only weird thing about the tragus piercing was that youcould hear it crunch thru the cartilage, and then pop out the otherside. Next I want to get my rook done.
Urg, that made me cringe. Yeah, you're right, by that time, it is done:).

Uh, what's a rook?:embarrassed:

Did you see Amy's (undergunfire) pic in Photo Philes under "Yourpicture"? She has snake bites, and no, I didn't know that hada name either:rollseyes. It looks cool.
Chandi.....I just keep taking Ibuprofen, haha. It only swells up when I wake up in the morning.

Jenfur.....I LOVE your tongue piercings. I would get another, but I miss eating solid foods! haha

Here it isss.....


Yup....and these are my snake bites......


I was debating on my tongue, my septum, or my tragus.....but my friendtalked me into getting my tongue done with her. I hope to one day get avertical libret. I first need a job where it's allowed!

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Oh yeah :D Ibuprofen is good.
I took that when I got my lip pierced (which is closed now :()

The piercing looks good.
You can't even tell that you just got it done.

You might be glad that you got your tongue pierced instead of the tragus...

My friend got hers done, and it got wicked infected. She tried to takeit out, but it got stuck; her skin kinda grew onto it :?, so she had toget it surgically removed.

However, it all depends on the person. All people take to piercing differently.

Nice snake bites by the way.
I've been wanting to get those done for awhile, but I'm staying away from piercing for awhile.

How long have you had them?

Amy, getting another one wouldn't be too badwhen yours heals. You know how when you get your tongue pierced in the"normal" spot, it doesn't hurt then, but then swells and hurts for afew days afterwards? When you get another one, closer to the front, itHURTS when they pierce it (like when you bite your tongue) but itdoesn't hurt afterwards and it doesn't swell. I switched out thepiercing barbell with a shorter one the next day, and haven't had anyproblems with it since.

I think your snake bites are awesome. I've always wanted to get a smallstud in my nose, but don't think I could pull it off. It looks good onsome people, not so good on others. I think I'd fall in the catergoryof the ones it doesn't look good on, LOL.
I've had my snake bites since December 10th, two days after my 18th birthday, haha!

I will think about getting another hole in my tongue, not anytime soon though. Maybe a few months from now.

I had my nose hurt so bad. I think the guy hit a nervebecause I felt like my face got punched out. My teeth wholeface hurt.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Getting my tongue pierced didn't hurt atall!:shock: It was zero hurt...I had been putting it off fora while cause I didn't think I could take it! LOLWhat a wuss I am! :DMy friend took me to thetattooshop and refused todrive me back home till I got itdone! We were45 minutes out of town in adifferentcity! LOLNasty!:D The first night I got it done I forgot andstuffed a BIG forkful of ceasersalad with VINEGRETTE dressingon it in my mouth! I do not recommendit!:? Burned like>>>letsjustsay it really hurt!:DLOL As long asyou aren't in any pain you should be able to eatwhat youwant! Just besure toclean upafterwards! Oh...and a piece of advise...stay away fromsticky toffee! Bad idea...very bad!! :DLOL:D

I got my tragus done last year sometime...can't rememberwhen. It swelled and refused to heal but a paste made ofaspirin applied 3 times a day brought the swelling down and kept itfrom scarring. Oddly I found the best thing for using onpiercings was the Biore astringent with tee tree oil. Workslike a charm for me!:D

My hubby took me out for my birthday or there abouts and I got my nosere-pierced. I had a stud along time ago but I took it out andlet it close over...I really liked it too so I had it doneagain! The first time it took forever to heal...this time ithealed no problem!:)

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