Does anyone have cat allergies?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2004
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Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
When I was away on a business trip earlier thisweek, I realized that my nose was completely "unstuffed" and my eyesdidn't itch at all. The original reason I got a rabbit for apet was because I was allergic to cats (but not rabbits). Well,about5 years ago my neighbor was looking for a home for a catshe had rescued. She was beautiful and I was able to test it out for afew days since my neighbor would take her back if I got allergic. I washappy to find out I didn't have a problem. She's a mixed breed mediumhair. Well, about a year ago I found a little kitten under a bush whowas in miserable shape and only weighed two pounds. After lots oftreatments, he's very healthy now. He's my heart cat because of all hewent through to stay alive.

The issue is that I know its him I'm allergic to. I suspected it beforebut didn't want to admit it (I blamed it on seasonal allergies which Ihave too.) He's a mixed breed short hair. He's absolutely not goinganywhere and I do what I can to reduce the allergies: comb him, usedander spray, vacuum a lot, air purifiers, etc.

I take Fexophedrine (Allegra) for seasonal allergies which helps some,but I don't think its for pet allergies neccisarily. I've got adoctor's appointment in May and I want to see if I can a prescriptionfor something else. Does anyone take something that really works wellfor them?

Hi, I am allergic to cats, too.

The only thing that's really worked for me is regular allergyinjections. You have to be very disciplined about it,though. It takes a very long time before you start seeingresults, but it does work - very well IMO.

Ask your doctor about testing. Mine was all covered by insurance.

I also take Allegra.

Did yougo toan allergist oryour primary doctor? I'm definitely going to ask about testing. Whenyou say it takes a long time, about how long do you mean? Thanks!!!!
I went to an allergist. Check with your doctor for a referral.

It seems like it took a year or more before I noticed a big difference.

The injections will help with your other seasonal allergies, too.
I'm trying to get my boyfriend in to get allergyshots. He's terribly allergic to grass, hay, and cats (andprobably more we're not aware of). He did talk to his familydoctor about getting in to see an allergy specialist, but that was overa year ago so I have to start poking him again...

I did some reading online about allergy shots and my mother also had them for her dust allergies.

Here are a few websites that explain them a bit:

If you do a Google search with "Allergy Shots" you'll come up with a ton of hits.

I'm severely allergic to cats. Within 5 min ofbeing in the same room as a cat I will start coughing and sneezing. Myeyes start watering and my nose running. After 15 min., I can't breatheright and my eyes are very puffy. Half an hour in I have an elephant onmy chest and I'm weezing. If the cat in any way touches my face, or Itouch the cat then touch my face, my eyes swell shut and my throatcloses. Nothing short of a trip to the hospital can stop the reaction.

Thank God I'm not allergic to rabbits. I don't know what I would do.

myLoki wrote:
I'm severely allergic to cats. Within 5 min of being in thesame room as a cat I will start coughing and sneezing. My eyes startwatering and my nose running. After 15 min., I can't breathe right andmy eyes are very puffy. Half an hour in I have an elephant on my chestand I'm weezing. If the cat in any way touches my face, or I touch thecat then touch my face, my eyes swell shut and my throat closes.Nothing short of a trip to the hospital can stop the reaction.

Thank God I'm not allergic to rabbits. I don't know what I would do.
Same here. I was beyond ecstatic when I discovered I wasn'tallergic to rabbits! It was like a wonderful gift.I love animals of all kinds, but was never able to have any in thehouse. I was a sad, sad girl until about three years ago.

Now, in addition to the rabbits, my dog is living inside,thanksto the allergy injections. Who knows, maybeone day a miracle will happen and I'll be able to tolerate cats,too.
Cara, you should talk to your doctor abouttaking a nasal spray as well as the pills. That combinationtends to work the best. I'm allergic to hay, dust, mold, andseasonal allergies, and I take Claratin and Flonase. My hubbyis allergic to the cats and takes Allegra and Nasonex which was enoughtto clear everything up for him.

Edit: do you have an air purifier in your bedroom?That helps both of us a lot, otherwise we both get stuffed up while wesleep.
I read more about allergy shots. Wow, that is abig committment. It would be hard to go every week for 6 months or morewith work.

Angela- Did you and your husband get an allergy test and then thedoctor prescribed based on the results? I actually have a sample bottleof Nasacort spray that my doctor gave me for congestion or something. Ilooked up the active ingredients in Nasacort, Nasanex, and Flonase andthey are each different, but maybe they are just variations ofcorticosteroids and not that different. I know you're a science person,do you know? The only one that mentions pet allergies specifically isFlonase. I'm going to try the Nasacort though for the next few weeksbefore my appt.
I dont know if this will help you at all, andisnt a preventative or cure, but im seriously allergic to hay and mythroat swells if I breathe in too much, hence I usually have to bereally fast feeding my rabbits lol and cleaning their cages is anightmare because I have to hold my breath the whole time.

But I use a throat spray afterwards that really really eases the pain and swelling

It is called difflam throat spray, it sort of numbs the throat until the pain has eased off.

On a side note, i'd been allergic to cats until I wasabout15, when I started working in the animal shelter. Afterdying of allergic reactions for a few months, suddenly it just stoppedhappening, I figure it was due to so much exposure of so many cats.
But since you own your cat and have a lot of exposure I guess it is irrelevant in helping you :?

Also, is your cat neutered? I've heard that some people are allergic tomale cats only, which may be your case, and if so, neutering reducesthe amount of allergen.

Longterm wise the injections would be the most effective, if you could find a gap in the year where you'd be able to do it.
Thanks for the information. I've also read thatpeople with allergies tend to be more allergic to male cats. And, alsomore allergic to shorthaired breeds because the dander is closer to thesurface. That's probably why I never noticed an allergy to my femalelonghaired cat. Oh well, I love him! I'm going to try some of thesuggestions and then talk to my doctor in May.
I am allegic to cats...but I find that I havemore problems with short haired than medium or long. Doesthat make any sense??:? LOL We have 5 cats rightnow and for the most part I am fine...but if I getscratched!!! WOW! My eyes swell shut etc...sousually I try NOT to get scratched ;), and I takeReactine when I am having a bad day!:)

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