does anyone feed a fresh diet to their indoor buns?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
, , USA
i am highly considering switching ourbuns to a fresh diet. does anyone here feed a freshdiet meaning not pellets. theywould have an unlimited supply of hay but was wondering if iswitch how much of the fresh greens should i feed?like unlimited or a certain amount per day. rightnow we give unlimited hay, pellets, a bit of oats in the morning (maybea tablespoon) and around a cup of fresh veggies,fruits we give once to twice a week.suggestions??

also with a fresh diet compared to pellet baseddiet, how would the health benefits differ. i knowsome rabbits with pellet diet tend to be a bit on the chunkierside.
I don't, but when Corky was so sick and noteating his pellets his vet told me that he does have bunnies on greensonly diets for various reasons...I can try and check with him and findout amounts per lb or something if you'd like...let me know.
Only a portion of Devon's diet is fresh. But, ifanyone knows how much to feed, I would certainly be interested inswitching to an all-fresh diet (along with unlimited hay).
brimmhere wrote:
i know some rabbits with pellet diet tend to be abit on the chunkier side.
Case and point:



brimmhere wrote:
also with a fresh diet compared to pelletbased diet, how would the health benefits differ. iknow some rabbits with pellet diet tend to be a bit on the chunkierside.

You callin mysoon to beadopted boy chunky?? :D :D :D :D
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
I don't, but when Corky was so sick and not eating hispellets his vet told me that he does have bunnies on greens only dietsfor various reasons...I can try and check with him and find out amountsper lb or something if you'd like...let me know.
that would beawesome!!
My kids get greens, in relatively large amounts,but they also get pellets. If you want to give just greens,make sure to check with your vet about amounts.


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