Does anyone else find themselves doing this?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score
Auckland, , New Zealand
This morning I was in the kitchen washing up thedishes, and halfway between the sink and the cupboard BunBun decides hewants to stand between my feet (which he does quite often). He was allsnuggled in and looking like he was gonna go to sleep so I didn't wantto move as I would feel mean if I did. So I'm standing there in themiddle of the kitchen holding a plate and not moving, and my partnergives me the weirdest look asking me what the heck I'm doing. I wasalmost embarrassed to say I didn't want to move because it woulfddisturb the rabbit!

Does anyone else find themselves doing stuff like this?
Aw! Yes, I do that stuff,too. When Shadow's out, I have to "scoot" instead of walkbecause he likes to jump right in between my feet when I'm moving,silly wabbit! I look like an 80 year old woman scufflingaround.

:) I've been late for work because on my way outthe door, I give Misty a goodbye pet, and she 'hunkers down' for somex-treme petting. I just have to oblige...

I did this all the time with my boys. One'sfavorite place to snuggle up to was in the crook of my knee if I satIndian style. He would cuddle there for hours and hours, but he neverdid it with anyone but me. :inlove:
Hi, I will be doing something in the family roomand all of a sudden Buttercup starts to lick my leg. Isometimes stand there for 10 minutes till he's finished. Ifanyone could see me they'd think I was crazy.
