Does any one have any tips on how to get does to breed

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
Reaction score
Argyle, New York, USA
I was told that rabbits do not have a heat cycle they are always ready to breed. If this is true what does it mean when a rabbit throws her tail in the air at your hand? Also is it true that if I put apple vinegar in the rabbits water it will make them more acceptable to being bred and becoming pregnant? Does anyone have Ideas to get my rabbits to breed?
No idea about the apple cider but I do have does that will lift when you stroke down their backs. It just means they are receptive to breeding although rabbits don't have a cycle as such they are still more ready at some times than others. You can tell because their bits go a very purply red as opposed to being pale pink.

There are a few things you can do to help them into this state one thing is to swop your doe and buck over so she is getting the smell of him.
another is to put her into his hutch with him and him trying to get his freak on will induce her into it ;)
the 3rd thing I was told especially with the smaller breeds is to cut the feed down but give unlimited hay this will ( and sure works for me) put her in the mood every time!!
Rabbits are induced ovulators, they release eggs in response to being mounted by a buck. And supposedly they are receptive 17 out of 20 days. I've used Apple Cider Vinegar in the water (1 tablespoon to a gallon of water)for a week before breeding. It's not a scientific study, (I didn't run a control group) but only one doe missed out of 9 bred (3 different breeds).

If the doe is "lifting" when you run your hand down her back, she is very receptive. Some does will also flick their tails as they run around and "flirt" when they are receptive.

As Polly mentioned, swapping the doe into a bucks cage may encourage her too. And lots of breeders notice that a long car ride next to a buck will do it too... Take the doe to a show, just for the ride! The smells of all those rabbits might encourage her too.
We generally have good luck with simply exposing the doe to the buck daily until she'll breed. Lifting the tail does show receptiveness.

Also - check the color of the vulva. Very pale and dry indicates non-receptive. Pink/moist receptive. Purple/swollen passing out of receptive period.


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