Well-Known Member
We have a doe who is 20 days into her pregnancy. She started pulling fur like crazy as well as hay stashing. We started thinking it was a false pregnancy since it’s way too early. But all the articles I have read say 16-18 days is the length of false pregnancies and she is day 20. But we still thinking maybe she is having a false pregnancy, so we tried to breed her. She did not lift and bit the buck aggressively, so there was no successful breeding. The buck was not hurt, he was bit just once and she bit only fur out. So then I put her back in her cage and gave her a nest box since I was thinking, maybe she’s just eager to be a mother 11 days early? She started hay stashing and everything once again. So I guess what I’m wondering is if she’s pregnant or if she isn’t? I’ve never seen a rabbit prepare this early before.