Do your rabbits slurp?

  • Thread starter Sophie's Humble Servant
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Sophie's Humble Servant

Hee hee! I know some of my posts sound silly....

When your rabbits drink out of their water crocks, do they make loud slurping sounds?

This is what Sophie sounds like:

"Lick lick lick"


"Slurp slurp"

"Squeak slurp squidge slurp squeak!"

The sounds she makes are so strange. She's always done it. It almost sounds like she's swishing the water around her mouth and through her teeth and the squeaking I think is when she's swallowing the water but I don't know for sure.

Thumper slurps when he drinks he sounds like your bun. He also lets some of it run down his chin till it's soaked. At times he then gets me wet by rubbing his chin on me. Buns are silly, wonderful things, aren't they?

Thumper makes sort of a little squeeking type of noise when he eats at times and sometimes when grooming himself. I take it to be a happy sound.
Spike definitely slups his water! He makes the cutest noises when he's drinking! Sometimes, I swear I can hear the water gurgle in his tummy a bit. Then he licks his lips when he's done.

He's also gotten in the habit of going to his water dish and perching on it and starting at me before drinking, indicating he would like fresh water, please. Even if I JUST changed it. Only the freshest everything for Spike!
Heh heh rabbits are amazing! Sophie also licks her lips a lot after too. Sometimes she drinks so much that there's water all over her face. In the sunlight it looks like she has a little dewy face! Awww bless:)

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