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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
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rocky hill, Connecticut, USA
I am working on several but this one is thecurrent main one. I have a series and this one that will actually besent out. I also want to write a story from my rabbits POV. What it islike for them, daily routines, the other rabbits, and so on.

Excerpt No title:

She stared down at the graves, it wasn't the first time sheburied her family. This time it was different, this time she knew theyweren't coming back. She thinks back to the first time she burriedsomeone.


A little girl stood by scared and confused as they lowered the boxesinto the ground. Her mommy's friend Anabelle said that her mommy anddaddy weren't coming back. That they were in heaven looking down ather.

"It's time to go Anwen." Anabelle called to her.

"I don't want to! I want my mommy and daddy!" She fell to her knees crying. "Why are they leaving me? I want to go to heaven!"

She felt as arms embraced her, digging her little fingers into theground. The smell of flowers overwhelming her fragile senses. Anwenstarts to kick and scream as she is lifted. Calling to her parents.Rain starts to fall.

*End Flashback*

Anwen could smell it in the air, rain was coming. She thinks toherself. Why is it that everytime my life changes it rains. Shereflects back to the day Anabelle's husband picked her up and carriedher back to the limo. He cradled her in his lap and let her cry. Peterand Anabelle put their grief aside so that they could help her throughthe worst time in her short life. When she asked where would she go nowthat she was alone, Peter hugged her tight and rocked her. Anabellewrapped her arms around both of them and said "You not alone. You haveus and always will."

It felt like yesterday that she was that scared little girl, five yearsold and she lost her parents to a drunk driver. Eightteen years laterand again her family is ripped away from her. This time by a drugaddict looking for something to steal.

"Maybe I am a jinx." Anwen whispered as she looked down at the four graves in front of her.

Aliciaand The Zoo Crew! (2007)Ringo
Cool - sounds really good so far - how much of it have you written already?

My only advice as a reader - watch your tenses. At thebeginning you're using present tense "She thinks back to thefirst time she burried someone" and by the end you use a differenttense "Anwen whispered as she looked down at the four graves in frontof her."

Post more when you have more!


Oh yes. I know. I finish hand it to my mom and she fixes that. :bunnydance:My mom rocks.

I have about a quarter done. This one is fun because it is the first in a long time that isn't fantasy based.

Aliciaand The Zoo Crew! (2007)Ringo

Do I write? Hmmm....

Yep. Sure do. In fact - I'm editing the first four chaptersand sending them off with the book synopsis to a publisher this week!Since I'm also a book reviewer and know what this particular publishernormally publishes...I'm pretty excited.

I won't post all four chapters here. Some of it is in Tiny's thread though - the part where he gets adopted by the heroine.

So far I'm at about 58,000 words and the book will be around 80,000 I suspect. I'm hoping to have it done by April 1st.


Well, you have to understand that my book is aChristian Romance. I'm sending it to Barbour Publishing - they dosomething like 180 titles per year and about 40% of it is with newauthors.

Two good resources are:

Writer's Market 2007 (it is updated every year - runs around $30)


Christian Writer's Market Guide (also updated every year) - for those who write for the religious market.

Most writers will tell you that the first one is a MUST HAVE if youplan to write and sell anything - books or magazine articles.


JadeIcing wrote:
Hmm you need to tell me what they look for...

I have never sent anything out....
I wish I could remember the name of the onlinewriting site I used to belong to...I really enjoyed it and the feedbackwas helpful. I had a one-year membership, and the way it was set up,you could sign up for as many or as few courses as you wished to take.Each one lasted a few weeks, and as the courses ended you could sign upfor more. The teacher would give an assignment and then would critiquethe submissions after they were posted. Everyone was allowed tocritique others' works as well, and much of the helpful input Ireceived came from other members, as many of them were publishedwriters who were there to simply refresh themselves, or to get theircreative juices flowing again.

If I think of it I'll post the name here might be something you'd be interested in... :)
Do I write? Heck yeah, BUT its fanfiction. Ihope you all know what fanfiction is, you wouldn't believe how manypeople still ask me or someone who writes it what it is. Ialso have some poetry and won...well was semi-finalist and finalist,never went to collect, had to pay. is to my profile. Remember thisthough, its been years since 2004 since I wrote any story. I miss itsometimes, but when I did have time to write the computer decided tocrash and I lost all of the good stories I could of put up. I may writeagain someday. Just don't know what, probably some HP (Harry Potter).

Poetry: I have four poems written.

My very first one and it won me finalist, but I never went for my awardand they never sent it. To send it I would have to actually pay!

Second poem, won semi-finalist

One of my stories that was very short and again, lost the chapters Iwrote. Now the anime and manga Sailor Moon is now over! So I don'tthink I will write anymore SM fics unless its HP and SM.

Alone Again: Chapter One, Part One (only chapter):

And that is my stuff. Not good stuff, I know. But I will still in HS and read more than I actually would write.

OH! I think I have one more. Good thing I didn't forget. This story is the also famous/infamouse website.

I Shall Never Die:

I did way back when. I think I still have some. I mostly do RP for my City of Hero toons. is a bit of a Scam. I have done it for fun. Everyone gets the letter.:X
Found it!

They charge $10.99/month to take an unlimited number of courses, or $99for a year membership (after that year expires you can renew for $69 ayear). I might just set some money aside and sign up for this again atsome point. It's been approx. 3 years since I had a membership, but wasworth it. I learned some things about my writing that needed fixing,plus it encouraged me to write (I have to be THE biggest procrastinatorin the world! ;)).


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