Do you wash your veggies before feeding to your bun?

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Yes, always.
In the wild, no one sprayed chemicals on it, and it wasn't handled by workers or touched by random people at the supermarket.
Yes,I alway's wash the veggies before giving them to my bunnies,but then i have alway's done the same for my own veggies :)
angieluv wrote:
even the wild plants from outside like dandelions can have parasite eggs deposited on them so wash everything..........
Will do! Thanks!

What breed is the oranage coloured rabbit in your avatar? Is it a Mini Rex? It looks adorable!

I wonder what Mini Rex rabbits are like in general? Good lap bunnies?
I think that mini-rex rabbits are supposed to be a nice breed with a good disposition.
If you post in the rabbitry a breeder will know that answer

Penny the mini-lop is a grumpy rabbit; that is the truth. but he is attractive and grumpy :)


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