do you know anything about Queen Bee's?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
No not yourself,lol. We, well hubby and my dad, took down our pool th is weekend it is an above ground pool. I noticed that the day after they took it down there was 15-20 queen bees in my dog pen. I had scrubbed it the previous day and i use this all natural cleaner as to not kill all the grass around the pen, inside the pen it is cement. So at first i thought "eeewww how gross they like dog poo" Then i noticed alot of them were just on the dry cement, so then i thought maybe the plant extracts in the cleaner was attracting them? but now i dont know because my DH squirted it down to get t hem all away and they are still out there. My one dog just tries to eat them when she is in there , my other dog runs in like he is being attacked,lol, and the other one............ well i dont even know if she even cares they are there. They are on the dry cement as well as in the grass and they wont go away. I went in this morning while the dogs were in there doing thier buisness and i was cleaning up the poo and they fly away and dont bother me but i would feel better if they went away,lol. What can i do? why do you think they are hanging out with my dog poop,lol ick?
We're they living under the pool perhaps and are now trying to find a new hive? I know Bee's are dying off in droves for the last year - they came down with a Virus I believe - so perhaps these Queens are a sick and confused.. Thats a puzzle though.
I have just gotten a better look earlier and they are, or at least i think th ey are, carpenter bees!!!!! But still a pain in the but,lol. Anyone know of any remadies to get rid of them. It seems that we have wooden railroad ties around the pool and they must have been living there or somewhere, but instead of going back to the wood they are stalking my dog yard,lol. They are not known for stinging but they are known to be a lil aggressive with there "House"
I saw a show on HGTV called Holmes on Holmes and they had a episode where they dealt with Carpenter Ants - you could "google" the show and see what they did (I think they removed all of the wood and put in new wood along with a good sealant.