Indoor bunnies definitely shed and moult. Korr is an indoor bunny and has been since I got him almost 5 years ago. He sheds quite a bit and moults even more. He is rarely outside, and when he is it is usually just to get to the car.
The amount a rabbit shed depends on the breed and the individual rabbit. Penelope didn't shed much, but she did moult. Lillian doesn't shed, but needs a ton of grooming. Diet can also play a part with shedding. Some foods can trigger a moult and others can just make them shed more. There are some foods that could make a rabbit shed a bit less. What food work for your rabbit depend on your rabbit.
Most moulting is seasonal. The change form cold to warm or warm to cold can be enough for them to change the coat. Even a warm period during the winter could trigger a moult.