Do rabbits' hormones lessen?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Miss Maisie, I've noticed, has calmed down quitea large bit these past few weeks, and it causes me to wonder if eitherthe initial hormones she gained with puberty have lessened, or what?

Anybody know the answer to this?

My actual question:

Do rabbits actually exit puberty? As in, do their hormones actually lessen a bit at a certain age?

Maisie is now about 8.5mos old.

Thanks guys! :D
I noticed that our bunns seemed to all of asudden mellow out when they hit about a year and a half! Theywent from naughty bunnies to love bunns over night. Morerelaxed, friendlier...either that or they are softening us up forsomething.:?
I think their hormones do decrease as theyage. They can't be teenagers forever, can they? Ofcourse, they'll still be more hormonal than if they werespayed/neutered.
Hey sorry if I missed a post about thissomewhere... when are you going to get Maisie and Flowerspayed? I read your post about Flower in her big cage:). Would be cool if Flower and Maisie would bond.Have they ever seen each other?

Nadia soon as we have some emergencyexpenses taken care of, we'll probably have them both spayed at thesame time. (Or should we do it one-at-a-time?)

Oh yes, they see each other all day long! :)They're both in our livingroom, on perpendicular walls (thinkright-angle), so they have full view of one another. Flowerimitates Maisie all the time (or maybe they could imitate each other,who knows), so I think that may be a good sign, but ya never know.

We'll find out, though! I look forward to it, and I know Flower does, too. :)
Cool! If they are both imitating eachother and just chillin in their cages you're off to a goodstart. When I first had Charlie in Misty's space, shecouldn't rest - just spent all her time trying to kill him.

When I was younger I had a neutered male and anolder unspayed female that had been together foraround a year when I rescued a 6week old female, and slowly startedintroducing them to each other. My females took to each other rightaway but the younger female didn't want my male anywhere near her. Thenshe got to around a year old and boom her hormones appeared to justswitch off and the three of them were thick as theives for the next12yrs. They lived in one large cage and never fought after babe reacheda year old. My older female had a heart condition so the risk ofputting her under was to great so she never got spayed. Since they gotalong so well I never did Babe either!!

My current rabbits are 2 neutered males and 3 unspayed females, andthey thus far have never fought at all. I think the only reason that Iam getting away with keeping three unspayed females with my neuteredmales is that two are the parents and three are their offspring. younever know though, they could start fighting any day now and I may haveto seperate them. The Babies are over five months now so hopefullyharmony stays!!!

I think that their hormones do lessen, like I said my one female seriously mellowed after she was a year old!!
