do i have to neuter my bunny?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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Southern, Illinois, USA

I just found out about this board and i absolutely love it!

I have a 3 and half month old bunny named mao mao chiu (fuzzy ball in chinese), and he has been the dearest darling in my life! he started to mount my arms, bite me and circle me around since about 10 days ago, so i guess he is ready for being neutered. But i am just not sure if he absolutely needs it? he hasn't sprayed any pee anywhere yet at least not to my awareness, and that is my biggest concern that makes me want to get him neutered if he starts doing that, but i also heard that right now is the best time to do neutering, so i do not want to miss the window for him.

i've always kinda thought neutering is very brutal and it hurts even when i am just thinking about what he has to go through. does anyone here have a un-neutered male rabbit that behaves fine when he is fully grown?

SOOOSKA wrote:
Wow, your Bunny is absolutely stunning. I love his colouring.

sorry, the last post was to soooska!

"Maomaochiu said he is flattered :D......"

i just got on this board and don't quite know how to post/quote/reply message yet. excuse me!
Mümmel wrote:
my males werent neutered for a yr. and behaved fine:)

Thanks for your reply! so i guess your boys do not mount, bite, spray pee now being un-neutered? did they ever do that? how long before those behaviors went away?? thanks!
i would recommend getting him neutered.. not only because the personality/ spraying etc.. but i thinkthere is also a chance of cancer if he's not neutered.. i know its a high chance for females.. dont know the percentage for males:?
From what i see online, the risk of testicular cancer is slight, so there is no compelling reason for neutering except behavior problems.

My previous bun, Little Bear, was never neutered & he was a sweetheart. I lost him to intestinal cancer (known only because the vet was kind enough to do a free necropsy. The only visible symptom was that he stopped eating.)

From what i know, pet necropsies are fairly rare; they tend to be expensive, altho they benefit the vet also as a learning aid.
My bunny boy is now 3 years and 5 months old and never been neutured. He is fine! He has never been moody or bitten us.
Gender seems to have nothing to do with temperament, there are other factors.

Of course another reason for neutering would be if both sexes are living together.
I had both my boys neutered in hopes to curb any fighting, it didn't work, but either way, it's ok. It definitely helps with behaviour problems, my boys were bad biters and although they still bit me up until about 1.5 years ago (they are almost 3.5) it definitely helped lessen it. I would have been at my wits end had I had to put up with unneutered males biting for 2 years.

Also my doe is worse for spraying and I'm guessing it's because she wasn't spayed until recently. My boys were never bad sprayers and I think it helps that they were neutered. Your bunny is still very young, it may still spray, it just might take a few months before he starts or he may not at all.

On top of that, if you ever want to get another rabbit, neutering is pretty much a necessity to prevent babies or to help with fighting.

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