Do bunnies prefer a lighted area, or a slightly darker one?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys.

I bought a light for Maisie (doesn't shine directly on her, so itdoesn't change the temp in her cage, don't's a desk lampthat's pointed at the ceiling, which is about five feet above her cage)because her corner of the livingroom is darker than the rest of theroom.

I wonder if she's comfortable with this. What do your buns (or buns ingeneral) prefer? Do they like a well-lighted area, or a slightly darkone?

Thanks! :)
There was a similar topic awhile ago...I'll tryto find it. My personal opinion is that the lighting shouldbe as much like it is in nature as possible, meaning, light during theday and completely dark at night.

Have any of you heard about the solar lamps that imitate the sun's rayswithout the UV rays? My dad uses it up in Montana for thewinter blues, and he says it's amazing. I wonder if a lamplike that would be good for inside rabbits with no access to naturallight. Just an idea.

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