Do anyone else's buns do this?

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2012
Reaction score
Middleofsomewhere, Arkansas, USA
My bunny, Weston, loves treats (and food in general). But when he is mad at me, he refuses to take anything from me. I have to put it down and not touch him. Even then he will act aloof and it's if he's saying "I'm too upset to eat, and it's YOUR fault! Now i will starve to death. Then you'll be sorry!"
Do other bunnies do this, or is Weston just a brat? :p
OOOooh Harvey does that too! He was mad at me for taking him to the vet so he wouldn't come near me if I had food to give him :rollseyes
All my bunnies do that. If I do something they don't like, like cutting nails, grooming, they will do exactly like your Weston.

If Willard doesn't get the treat he thinks he should, he will actually turn his back on me and sit there.

None of them will take a goodie from me in the outside bunny run. They all think I'm going to take them back in. Which is the purpose of the treat. lol
