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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2009
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So I just checked the seven week olds. My favorite pick has a white nail! The litters' mother had a white nail in the exact same spot, but it darkened by the time she was a senior.

I've heard breeders talking about ways to darken them naturally over time has anyone heard of this? Maybe the nail might darken?

It's just my luck. I did a risky breeding dilute X REW and of course it's the best one *headdesk*
The bunnys claw might darking as it gets older, member it still young:)
Once i fort I had a litter of lilacs turned out to be blue.
That's what I thought too. Although it's natural things like certain herbs that darken fur also darken the nails.

It's considered cheating if it's in the intent to deceive. Such as painting or cut them short.
Is there a way to tell if they'll darken? The mother had a white toenail as a junior, but it darkened.

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