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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
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Queens, New York, USA
I know we've had posts on this before, but i never paid attention cuz Rice and Beans were always sparkling clean.

My new rabbit, Marshy, is soooooooooooo gross!!!! Her bottom is always drenched in urine and pee. What do I do? I don't have anyone to help me clean her so it is so difficult. Any tips on how to clean a dirty rabbit by yourself, effectively?

Also, what is causing this? Could it be because she is overweight and can't reach down there?

Please help, i am so grossed out and i really need advice on how to clean her without any help because it's so hard to do it while she is wiggling all over the place. Thanks!!
She was messy when she was at the pet store so I had them clean her off for me. I know about feeding the same stuff. I am, in fact, im feeding her a lot less pellets and more hay as she is overweight.
Oh right! Rice's sister. :)

The link to the Butt Bath is good, I hope it's the one that also includes the cornstarch idea.

I'mconcerned that she's got urine problems as well as poopy butt, you're going to have to make sure she doesn't have urinary tract issues. She shouldn't be 'leaking', straining to pee,peeing outside her box or any other red flags.

If she didn't have veggies in the pet store and she was getting them with you, that might be part of the poopy butt -- that and the weight.

But check out the links, tons of info there.

Yep, Rice's sister.

Great link Pipp! Thanks so much. As SOON as i walk through the door tonight after work I am going to give her a dry bath just as instructed on that site. Then I'll make an appointment with the vet and get to the bottom of this. I'm sooooo upset at myself right now since I just read about urine scalding. I didn't know about that. I got so frustrated last night trying to clean her with no success because she was moving so much that I gave up and decided to wait until today when I had access to a computer to come on here and ask for advice. I want to cry now thinking that she is sitting there with her butt feeling like its on fire....i think im tempted to ask for the rest of the afternoon off to go get to her and clean her off.......shoot
As for the wriggling, you could always wrap her upper half in atowel (with her head poking out) to stop the kicking, or you could trance her by laying her on her back, and rubbing the cheek and nose area at the same time. Works for me.
TrixieRabbit wrote:
have you taken her to the vet? Her messy bum may be a sign of a bigger health issue.
I agree. Iszy stopped cleaning herself and it was a symptom of arthritis. It was very difficult for her to clean there. How are her litterbox habits?
Lissa wrote:
TrixieRabbit wrote:
have you taken her to the vet? Her messy bum may be a sign of a bigger health issue.
I agree. Iszy stopped cleaning herself and it was a symptom of arthritis. It was very difficult for her to clean there. How are her litterbox habits?
they're actually pretty good. An occassional poop on the floor but other than that...i havent had any problems.
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
unfortanatley im a bad trancer - i can never get any of my rabbits tranced - in fact, i end up always getting mauled in the process!:?
Yeah, I'm good at holding mine still (I scoop up their butts so their tails and lower back are sitting on my hand, feet straight out and not touching anything, put my other hand on their chests between their front legs and pull them against my body), but I can't trance any of 'em!

sas :) and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
So I tried the dry bath and it really didn't work all that great. I mean, she smelled better for a little while but the pee has stained her fur down there. So I'm guessing I need to do a wet bath, which will be a big pain. :? I'm taking her to the vet either thursday or friday. My bet is that its cuz she's such a fatty that she can't clean herself. She is on a very strict diet right now and seems to be losing some weight so that's good.
Hey Maherwoman!! You've been missed!

Well it turns out, its what i thought, she's a little fatty! LOL

The vet said keep doing what im doing as far as diet goes and she should be alright. In the meantime, i gotta keep cleaning her butt.
Aww...thanks! It's nice to see how much people care! :D

Lol..."little fatty"...that's so cute. Glad to hear she doesn't have anything life-threatening going on, and that it's something that's getting handled with time and diet change. :)

Keep us posted, ok? :D

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