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Apr 22, 2005
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Miami, Florida, USA
Hey Guys, I was just looking through some of thebunny pictures you guys posted.(By the Way, they are all adorable) Icouldnt help notice that some of your buns little paws are dirty. MyLola is white with black spots and lately her paws are a little dirty.Do you guys ever just get grossed out and clean them with bunny bathand water. or is it just normal for all bunnies. My Lola isalways licking her paws and then rubbing her face. Do you guys thinkshe might freak out if i dip her feet in water to clean them?
I use baby wipes. I get the Huggiesnaturals because they are perfume free, dye free etc. It does a prettygood job. I think everybunny gets thier feet dirty at some point. Itake my bunnies outside and I know thier feet can get prettydirty.

I would avoid a bath if at all possible. You can dip their feetand wash them with a mild dish detergent just make sure to rinse reallywell and dry them good.

I use a solution of half water half peroxide for Apollo's feetif he gets really dirty. I just dip his feet in rub for a minute andtake them out. I dry his feet really good with towels and then usepaper towels to blot them dry the last little bit. I've never had anyproblems using it.

We use wipes to clean up Rosie when we first gother. They worked pretty well, considering. Rosie had been abandonedoutside and had been living under a car in a service station. Needlessto say she was rather filthy. She's also done a really good jobcleaning herself since we've had her.

Binkie started sleeping in her litter pan a while ago and she would getsoiled and stained, not to metion real stinkie. She would start out bydigging most of the litter out of the pan, too. It got very frustrating

She finally got so dirty that we had to bathe her. We used a littlewash tub with a couple of inches of warm water and Dawn dishsoap. Justenough to get her feet and tushie submerged. We lined the bathtub withtowels and then put the little wash tub in the bathtub. The whole thingwas rather comical when Binkie would hop around on the wet towel going"kersplat..kersplat". She seem to enjoy it and LOVED the blowdryer :D


My bunnies get dirty paws when I take themoutside and they start digging! Muddy paws and faces! I use a littlebit of gentle pet shampoo on a wet washcloth to clean them up. I wonderwhat my landlady thinks after I take them in and there's dirt patchesin the yard!:mad:
Thanks Guys, Once again...Very Helpful!!!Theproblem with Lola is she doesn't like her little paws being touched forsome reason. But i will Try the baby wipes. Thanks!!!!
If you flip her on her back and just hold her(cradle her in your arms or legs) and she will eventual calm down ortrance...If you need something stronger, use peroxide but be sure towash it all off with water when you're done.


Anna had dirtylittle yellow paws when I first got her but now her paws are whiteagain. She is developing quite a princess personality thoughso she may be an exception. :D
Of my 9 buns, 7 have white paws. Ijust thought of that. Like Tina, I use baby wipes to cleanthe feet if the get a little yellow from the litter box.


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