Dippy bit me :'(

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2008
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Northamptonshire, , United Kingdom
Dippy bit my BIT my neck :(

He's never done that before EVER :shock:

He had just been in his new run and i just got him out because it was getting bit windy and he usually snuggles in my hair when I pick him up anbd today he snuggled then BIT me:shock2:

:cry4:Why did he do that?
He probably just nipped you. Maybe he just wasn't ready to be taken out of his run. Maybe he didn't want to be picked up. Rabbits can't talk to you, so usually, nipping is their way of telling you when they have had enough.

Nemo does that sometimes, and other times, he will dig on my chest when he wants to get down. Or my shoulders. Or my back. Or whatever he can get his little digger paws on, haha.

I think Dippy was just telling you in "Bun Speak" he didn't want to be picked up.. Bun's do not have any "vocal" voice - to they only have teeth to tell you their not happy - so feel good that your considered "one of his pack" but try to go for "pack leader".. :D

Your both good, enjoy learning the language!
My bun has bitten my arm, nipple and ... he really hated theese PJs i had so he bit my private area (im a dude), but now he is fine. Your Bun might just be upset at somethin. Did you change somethin in the cage?
From what I have read in books and also what I have been experiencing as a rabbit owner I believe that they can communicate a whole bunch of things in their nips. They can communicate not only not liking something but also things like move over or I believe my rabbits have even nipped me in playfulness. Also they can communicate that they want pets via nipping. Miley will nip you until you come down to her level and pet her. I know the first time that a rabbit nips you is a surprise, especially if they have never done it before. Don't feel too bad!

Oh and also they may nip because they like fabric. If my sleeve of my shirt catches Miley and Oreo's attention they will nip at it then it is like they have an obsession! They can't stop nipping the fabric but sometimes my skin gets caught in the way! What I have done is sort of like out a high pitched semi loudouch when they do bite too hard to let them know that it hurts. They seem to get the point.


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