My rabbits seem to do it to me as a form of playing with me. I usuallymove away and laugh at them, and they come at me again and startdigging. The more I laugh, the more they dig.
As Mambo said, it is a natural thing, but when they're doing it toyou, I think it's to get your attention. They'll dig my ankles tolet me know that they want something they're not getting. They'll comeup to me and give me digs when I'm online too long or on the phone. Iget that quite often.
I could be totally off base, but that's what's true for my rabbits and their personalities.
Bramble did that to me all the time when i'd laydown and put her on my stomach, she'd dig and then bite me, HARD! lol,i was so mad at her, but who can stay mad at such a doll?
And your husband sounds right on the money to me. If that's what he's picking up, I'd say that he's reading him right.
If your clothes or you're not sitting quite right, they'll dig at youso that you move where they're digging and they can lay down there andmake themselves comfortable.
Check out the Cheat Sheet for Rabbit Care post at the top of the forum,and go into "Rabbit Language". It's a link to an excellent websiteabout what all their body language.
Cool...thanks much....Its my chest he does thattoo..and my hubby tells Corky I don't need fluffing there, that itsjust right..maybe its just the guy thing!
His latest thing to get my attn if I'm not holding him is to escape theplaypen and litterally run down the hall...wanting me to come findhim...its funny....never thought he could move that fast....but if Ihold him for a bit, then put him back, he's usually ok...haha....theyare a riot!
Calvin digs in me when he's mad at me. Mainly hedoes when I pick him up, or we're away from home (the vet) and hedoesn't like it. :XHe also bites me to get me out of his way!He's very misbehaved.
I keep a light, durable'throw' on mylap to give Pipp something otherthan my clothes and skin todig. :? She loves it. (Not surewhat's going to happen when its 90 degrees outside).