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Bramble Briar86

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Honey Bun's Hangout, Illinois, USA
I have solid-bottom cages and i line it withshavings, but, when i first got Bramble back in December, i noticedthat she likes to "dig." she doesn't do it that often anymore but, ibrought her inside to hang out with my and i put her on my stomach (iwas laying in an easy chair) and she tried to dig "into" my stomach andstarted biting me:X.

i was TOTALLY confused (she actually bit some skin and holes in theshirt!:shock:) I figured she was hungry and i didn't want her to getinto the habit of thinking it was okay to bite, so i watched to makesure she didn't bite me and got her some food, itcured thebiting AND the digging.

As I just wrote this, i remember this habit when i didn't know she waspregnant, (she was before i got her) and know that she is pregnantagain, she is doing the same behavior. I felt really bad before becausei didn't know she was pregnant and was only feeding her what a normaldwarf eats, so, could this just be because she's worried about goinghungry? i have already bumped up her feed this pregnancy, she'sgot8 more days till she's due.

has anyone else seen this? am i not feeding her enough? she weighs4.5lb.s and i feed her6 ounces of pellets once daily. beforeshe was pregnant i fed her 4 ounces of pellets once daily.


I don't think it has anything to to with beingpregnant?? It might with your bun, but Peppy AND Samsondo thesame thing to me, (andthey're boys!) where they'lldig and bite into my stomach putting holes in my shirt and sometimesbreaking skin, and I can't for the life of me figure out why they doit!

They also dig at the bottom of their cages...

All of our buns have dug and nipped us on occasion.

Sometimes they do it when we aren't paying enough attention to them. Other times they do it if they have to poop/pee.

Digging is an instinct for rabbits.

Ours also dig in their litter boxes, hutch bottoms, blankies, pieces of cardboard, in the bottom of boxes, etc.

:~) Jim
Bo digs on me and bites at my shirt if he wantssomething. Usually it's if he wants me to pet him or give himear-rubs. If that doesn't stop him, he's needing thelitterbox and as soon as he's done he's back in my lap forlove. :)

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