Digging in the litter box!

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Retired Moderator
Oct 24, 2009
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Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
I think--no, I know--Gus has started digging in his litter box.I'm not sure how long he's been doing it (I suspect a couple months now). At first I just thought he was kicking some sawdust out when he'd jump in and out of his box (it was mostly in the far back cornerbehind his boxand not immediately noticable till I took out his box for its cleaning), but nowhe's getting itall over his cage. I've neverseen him do it (I'm sure it's something he does atthree in the morning when we're all sound asleep!), but there've been a few mornings where his cage has literally been covered in sawdust.:grumpy:

Suggestions on the most effective way to stop him?

Thanks, guys!

I dont think you can stop them xD
If your rabbit feels his or her duty is to dig...then dig they shall, what you can do is buy a litter box with a roof and flap door, so it dosent make a mess :p
You can try putting a grate over the litter. It will prevent him from digging and keeps the litter in place.

I am not sure if you could stop him from digging if he really wants to. You really just have to prevent them from being able to do it.
Also consider giving him a digging box. This will give him a safe place to dig and save your sanity.
I use wire mesh, but we had some laying around so I used that. It has holes that are about 1cm by 1cm and are just big enough for poops to fall though. Cooling racks for baking would also work, you may need 2 to cover the whole box. They can be cheap and not cutting should be needed.
Some people use lighting grids or plastic stitching screens. I have not tried the lighting grid and pretty much all my rabbits have chewed the stitching screens (I do use them under the wire to keep the poops out of the litter).
There are sifting cat boxes with sort of come with a screen. The ones you would probably be able to find are a set with 2 boxes, the sifter and a rim, it costs about $12-17. Walmart and Canadian Tire have them as well as some pet stores.

Yeah, or just something else to DO. I've been a bit lax in giving him stuff to play with at night. He had plastic toys in his cage, but he NEVER played with them, so I took them out. And I haven't given him any new baskets or anything to destroy in awhile. (Poor neglected rabbit! :p) I gave him a phone book a few weeks back that he had a BLAST destroying over the course of a few days. Until he got bored of it and I had to clean it up. :rollseyes

Time for a trip to the thrift store, methinks.

Thanks again!


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