Digging and biting.

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Mr. Ici

Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom

Our little bunny is 6 months old and is a house rabbit.
She has her own cage and is let out for at least 4 hours a day so she can mooch around the living room all she likes.

She has become much friendlier now she's truly settled and will circle me and bow her head so I can pet her, but this comes with some not-so-nice behaviour.

The thing is she's also started to bite. She'll get on her hind legs, "dig" at my arms and bite my arms also. (She does this to legs sometimes but arms are her favourite).
She broke through skin the other day even though I was wearing 2 layers!!

Has anyone got any advice?
I'm sometimes scared of the bunny lol..
..Although it really isn't a laughing matter :(

I thought I'd show her some discipline and, as I read in another thread, the last time she did it I shouted "NO" and gently pressed her head to the floor. She realised she was being told off but me being a softie had to give her a big snuggle because she looked so sad :p

Please help, thanks
My guys will dig on me and then bite if I'm in their way. It could be to get attention or to say "MOVE!!" I know as soon as the digging starts to get out of the way before I get bitten! It sounds like Puddles is being a teenager bunny, and coming into her adulthood (ie reproductive maturity). She may be being hormonal. I'd reccomend getting her spayed. The best way to deal with the behavior until then is to say no or squeal when she bites you (don't yell) and/or calmly put your hand on the nape of her neck. This is a "i'm the dominant bunny" thing to do.
Thanks for your words of encouragement.
tonyshuman, I'll try the nape of the neck thing and report back.

Friends, if we can find the answer together I promise I'll post the cutest pic ever of little Puddles :)
My foster, Berry-Boo, does that as well. She is a mini-rex, and if you are in her way, you will be scratched/nibbled until you move. She shoves he nose into us as a first warning, then she will nip at clothing, followed by digging if you are REALLY irritating her. She's very bossy at times. I think she is around 6 months old, as well.

I'd put it under the "moody teenage phase" for rabbits.
Gixxer and Alaska both do that when I am in their way or when I am holding them and they want to get down. I have a lovely little bruise above my from my Diva girl when I was holding her Tues. night. She started to scratch and I was getting up to put her down but before I could she not so politely told me to move a little faster by biting me.
6 months? Yes, I'm afraid hormones are kicking in. She should be spayed whenever you can do it. I wouldn't introduce her to any potential mate until she's been spayed and things have healed.;)

Yep! You are granting her access and she is taking advantage by biting and scratchingand being aggressive to you, but again, this is getting into hormones, lol.

Get the bun spayed, firstly. See how things go from there, they should look up.:)

I second that.

Some female bunnies can get quite nasty when their hormones are raging. A wise decision would be to have her spayed :)Until then, you'll need to let her know that biting is not okay. A high pitched shriek can help, as well as pushing her nose down - just watch your fingers ;)
Butter wouldn't melt.....

I will repeat what others have said-now is the perfect time to get her spayed. If you wait until she is older, it will take a lot longer for the hormones to go away. Getting her done now will nip it in the bud, so to speak. Very cute little girl!
I'm sure this is a hormonal thing (as others have said), but once your girl's been spayed and her hormone levels have dropped off, you may still see it happening from time to time.

My girl (spayed before I adopted her) had a *big* thing for this when she was going through her "teenbun" state (which is developmental, not solely hormonal). Mostly it was a way to get my attention, though some of it was clearly just her way of playing. She'll still dig on my clothes from time to time and try to "flatten" them - which is meant (I think) as both playing and affection. (I really doubt she'd dig on someone she disliked! ;))

The spay will really help, though the behavior changes won't be instantaneous. It takes time for hormone levels to go down, and it also takes time for rabbits to become fully adult.

She really is a cutie! :)

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