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Jun 12, 2005
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Hi there

My rabbit has turned into a bit of a nightmare - he's turned into ateenager and won't listen to anything I say!! He is getting spayedtomorrow so hopefully that will calm him down a lot.

Since he has turned naughty he loves to dig at my carpet, is thereanything I can give him to dig at that would be safe for him so hedoesn't wreck my house!! We have given him a hay box but he isn'tinterested in that at all, he seems to like digging towels though!!

I would be grateful for any advice!

Thanks in anticipation
Debs :)
The spaying will certainly help....but you are still in those dreaded teenage years.

Offer your rabbit plenty of other distractions, such as paper toweltubes, cardboard boxes (we break them down and spread them out flat forour rabbit to play with - they love it) and untreated wicker baskets.All three of my rabbits LOVE the baskets.

Also, a bit of discipline will go a long way too. When you see yourrabbit digging at the carpet, say NO in a loud, firm voice and give ashot with a water bottle.

We have one rabbit who still goes after the carpet now and then, but not as bad as he used to. Good luck!
Hi, I have bought shreaded tissue paper, actually it's a little thicker than tissue paper.

Two of my Bunnies just love to play in it.

If there's a specific spot he really enjoysdigging, then place a large box with shredded paper in it there. Theylove to burry in that. Anywhere else try placing a single tile toprevent him from digging there.

My boys are outside but they were bad diggers from about 6 months to 18months and I just had to live with it. Luckily now they rarely diganymore.
Could you make him a run and let him have at itin the dirt? Perhaps that might curb his desire to dig at thecarpet. Also, what about a nail trim?
:highfive: Great Advice, Friends!

* * * * * * *

Hi debs,

How's the little digger doing? Did you try any or all of the great suggestions above and if so, what happened?

Hi there

Thanks for all your suggestions!!

We've given him a phone book and he loves to rip it toshreads! We've also given him a cardboard box with shreddedpaper in it so he can hide in there, he likes to rip the outside of ittho!!

Unfortunately we live in a flat and have no garden so we can't let him out to dig in the garden.

He doesn't dig quite as much at the carpet but whenever our backs areturned hes digging in a corner somewhere!! I think he is justgoing thru his teens (fingers crossed) and will calm down in a coupleofmonths. We had a day of no digging after he camehome from getting neutered but he is feeling 100% fit now!I'm going to try varnas idea today and get a sandpit and fill it withsoil so he can bury in there!

I think he just a bit bad! No matter how much you try andtell him 'no'he just keeps at it - still love him to bits :)



PS Will keep you all updated on the little digger!
He is getting spayed tomorrow so hopefully that will calm him down a lot.

Bucks get neutered, does get spayed.

I'm so anal. Sorry.

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