Different questions..

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada

I have a few questions that I've been wondering about.

First one- Ever since I got the new pellets, both Pepsi and Pebbles poops are huge! Is this a good thing? Pepsi hasn't had any problems with her digestion, and loves the new pellets. She eats them as soon as I put them in! Both my buns love them! So, just wondering is the increased size in poop a good sign of good disgestion?

Second one- I bought some pelleted litter, 'wood' (sorry couldn't resist the pun..) it be ok if I switched to that instead of the pine shavings? I've just been putting the litter(%100 pine pellets, no additives, chemicles, no harsh chemicle process) underneath the shavings. Pepsi always chews the big pieces of shavings, so would it be ok to have her nibble on some? (It says on the box not for human or animal consumption..)

Third one- Pepsi's cage, the bottem and top floors are made of wood. The bottem has some paint on it, but the woods rotting a bit from the pee. Would it be ok if I putsome peel and stick tiles for the bottem? Or would it just be hassle in the long run with the bit of rotting wood? Also, can you cut peel and stick tiles?

Fourth and last- How high should I make Pebbles cage? (I was planning on making it open top so I can actually sit in it, play with her and it would be easier to clean). How high have you guys made yourcages? I was planning maybe two high, and three or four for the loft? Or, I could get another box and make it three high. With two high, it would be 28 in tall, and for the three high it would be 32 in high. If I do have to put a top on it, I want to be able to remove it so I can clean easier. I'm sure if I give Pebbles enough room, she won't attempt to jump it, but she loves to jump so I'm not sure.

Thanks! :bunnydance:

1) Are they high-fiber pellets? Fiber cleans out their insides pretty good (nature's scrub brush, as they say) so it makes sense that it comes out in a big pile. ;) That's good!

2) What kind of pine pellets? Don't like the idea that it says not for consumption. I water down my pellets until they turn to sawdust. They go a lot farther that way, too. I onlyuse them for littertrays, not bedding, and my buns aren't caged, anyway, so I've never been too concerned.

3) Peel and stick tiles are good, should be easy enough to cut. Dill eatstiles.:shock: I couldn'tfigure it out for the longest time, but he chewed a hugehole in tiled floor, and now he sits on the tile-less section, and its because he can get great traction if he wants to take off. Smart bunny! (Mad landlord!)

4) I'd think twopanels would be jumpable, but depends on the rabbit. Mine jump on and off the bed and the couch like it was nothing,although nobunny's jumped the baby gate to my room, presumably because they can't see what's on the other side. And jumping onto something is easier than jumping over something. I'd personally go three and four, but then you'll have a hard time climbing over without a big door.

Hope this helps!

sas :)and the gang of five :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

The fiber is 20% (If I can remember right), so it's pretty high. It smells so fresh and yummy (they must taste pretty good too by the way my two stuff it down!)

The pellets are Stall Dry. They do turn to almost dust, but not dust (if that makes any sense atall). They control smell VERY well! I guess I'll keep putting them under the sawdust, then when I run out of the bag of sawdust I have now, I'll out it under newspaper so it's still absorbant but then I don't have to worry about them chewing it

Hehe! Silly and smart Dill! I'll have to get the side gaurd things for the cage, then Pepsi won't be able to chew it (I Don't think she would anyways). Is it bad for blockages if she does nibble on some?

My bed is about knee high (I'm about 5'5, so not that high) and Pebbles can jump on that easy. She also takes the stairs two at a time... so I'm not sure. I'll have her out today and build a pen sort of thing to see if she'll attempt to jump/climb. My friends baby bun (R.I.P) LOVED to climb, and would scramble up the side and top of the cage if the top was open. So I'll just have to keep an eye out. I'll have to see, because I made a block for the top of the stairs (1 grid high), and she tried to jump it, and barley cleared the top, so I think two would be fine.

Thanks a ton!
For your question about Pebbles cage:

Zorro has a cage two panels high, and he doesn't try to jump out. The top level of the cage allows him to stretch up and peek his head over the cage, but he still doesn't jump.

Jumping up and onto something, like a bed, is less scary than jumping up and OVER something, like a baby gate. When my old bunny Oreo (RIP) would escape from the family room, we used tall cushions to block the doors. She would first jump up onto the top of the cushion, often knocking it down, before leaping off to freedom.
Thanks :). I'll see how it goes tonight when I put a pen together. (I could always put pictures of monsters on the outside of the cage to make it more scarier.. hehe sorry.. that was corny :tongue)
Also, I thought of another thing that I've been thinking about. Pebbles isn't growing much at all. She stopped like a month ago. She's probably like 1/3 the size of her mom! She's.. (I've had her for 5 months today.. YAY!) 6 and a half months old, and very small. When she's just sitting normal to eat for ex. she's probably 20cm (7.5in)(Around) from nose to tail. Her ears are HUGE though, probably 8cm long (probably around 3inch, maybebit more). Is this normal? (I'm trying to convert measurements, so sorry if a little off). She's a mutt lionhead (looks nothing like a lionhead, but has a mane).
The wood pellets say "not for consumption" because apparently some unscrupulous farmers were mixing them with cattle feed to save money.:rollseyes: It's perfectly safe for rabbits if they nibble a little. Like any litter, eating large amounts is bad.

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