Different Coloured Skin

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Ok so I thought I'd post and ask how normal this is seeing as how I find it weird, LOL. I'm not worried about it, I just wonder if it's normal or not.

Mocha is a chocolate chinchilla in color. Well yesterday I was checking out a bald patch on his back and came to the conclusion it's most likely from the major shed he's going through because it's right on the line between the new hair and the hair he has yet to shed and there is still a few guard hairs in the patch. Anyways, his skin is a blue/black color under that area. I decided to check a few more areas on him to make sure the bald patch wasn't mites or something, and on his rump the skin is pink.

Is it common for a solid rabbit to have multicolored skin?
If you shave a tiger, it's skin is striped.

Is it the same for rabbits? Do they have the same color skin pigment as the corresponding fur?

I'd always thought that a rabbit (or cat, or dog) would have dark pigment of skin where the fur was dark, and lack of pigment in the skin where the fur is white. When I raised rabbits many years ago, the skin always had lack of pigment in the white fur areas, and dark pigment where the darker (colored) fur was to be. Maybe it depends upon the color itself, as to the pigment color in the skin...?


But the thing is, Mocha is a solid! I know brokens have different colored skin but that doesn't explain why Mocha's skin is 2 colors.
The skin will appear darker where the new coat is coming in -- it's a sign of a pelt that is not in it's prime.

Really?! Even a very dark blackish blue color? The skin is pink in areas where he has not shed it out yet.

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