flemish giant
Well-Known Member
What pellets does a 3 month old rabbit need? I bought timothy. Also when do I stop feeding unlimited?
So I can't give him alfalfa hay and timothy pellets? I already bought a 50lb bag of Purina timothy rabbit food.
your young bunny will be fine on whatever hay you have available. Doesn't have to be alfalfa.
What kind of bunny do you have? Dwarf buns need up to 1/2 cup, mini breeds, about 1/2 cup, meat size need 3/4-1.5 cups.
This is daily and assumes a 16% protein ration.
Hay can be daily or every other day or not at all depending up what mind set you follow.
REALLY safe greens that you can Slowly introduce: parsley, cilantro and plantain (the plant not the things that look like bananas)
The "no hay" comment comes from the FACT that LOTS of rabbits exist in the world that DO NOT eat hay. IF one has a good pellet hay is NOT required to maintain proper gut health.
BUT it comes down to the quality of pellet AND what a person individually is comfortable with.
The fact that your particular bunny is a flemish/angora cross, feeding hay will be an integral part of maintain good health just to keep any ingested hair moving through their system. You may also wish to add papaya tablets to bunnies diet. Keep your bunny well groomed.
Feed what you have...if you can't return it, feed it. Or if you feel nervous, go out and buy a bag of alfalfa pellets and mix them in together. Your bunny will be fine as long as you take care of him.
Your bunny will continue to grow and develop as long as you are feeding him enough food. A good basic pellet. Introduce greens slowly (do you know what type of diet he was on before?)
He'll probably need about a cup of feed depending if he takes after the angora or the flemmish side. (possibly up to 1.5 cups)