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Active Member
May 7, 2012
Reaction score
Los Lunas, New Mexico, USA
I have a 13 week old bunny and just wondering, can anyone give me an idea of how much is a good amount of veggies I should feed my bunny? He only weighs a little under 2 lbs. and he will stay small, he's a Holland Lop. I'm starting to try him on different veggies and I don't want to be feeding him too little or too much. Also, what are some good combos of veggies that you might recommend? Thanks!
Introduce the veggies slowly as he's only young and you don't want to cause diarrhea. Like with each new veggie give him a little bit and see if he can take it, then give him more of it everyday if it doesn't cause stomach upset. Then a new piece of veg everyday, then see what he likes and doesn't like. My bunnies favourite veggies are parsley, romaine lettuce, carrots tops, collard greens, dandelion leaves, broccoli, carrots (but only give as treats as they are too sugary for bunnies).. NEVER feed iceberg lettuce as it contains almost no nutrients, and because it can cause digestional upset because it is too watery. Hope this helps :)
At this young age, it is controversial whether or not a bunny should have ANY veggies at all. They should have unlimited hay & unlimited alfalfa pellets. I don't know what veggies you've been giving but I certainly would not suggest adding any more unless they're easy to digest, such as wheat grass or romaine. Nor would I increase the total amount of greens given for several more months.