Diesel, Bunny Collection Pictures

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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
Well, I'm trying to get a few photos together but today I just have some of Diesel and My bunny collection on top of my computer desk.......

So we'll start with the bunnies.....



Now for little Monster Kitten.... errr Diesel.... ;)

He had to go to Nanna's for a few days while we were busy at the fair. Here he is arriving in the car:


Here he is on Tuesday. He's not spoiled or anything:


Then he thought he'd check out my desk...... those bracelets look like fun! (this picture really shows his color well)


Well, I'm bored now, let's do something else!


Diesel is seriously a very beautiful cat. I love his coloring and wanted one like that, but little black Zaide kitten begged for me to take him home instead :p.
I just love that big bunny at the back...'.i'm like oh i want that!'

I have a few very nice bunny statues...i have this very cute one with little bunnies in a big shoe....i'll make a post later and post some picture's of them...my mum had also bought me this gorgeous rocking bunny as well.


And Diesel is just a cutie....he looks so soft and cuddly :)
That big bunny with the croisened look? and flowered and stuff? That was one of the first ones I got and I love it! It's my favorite...... and I got it at a garage sale! :biggrin2:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
That big bunny with the croisened look? and flowered and stuff? That was one of the first ones I got and I love it! It's my favorite...... and I got it at a garage sale! :biggrin2:
Yes that's the one...i think it's just adorable:)
Um, I don't know how to say this but Deisel looks just like the kitty that was stolen from our house a few weeks back. Someone snuck in the house in the middle of the night. We think Melody let them in. Can you please bring him back to us? :biggrin2::biggrin2:

Great pic's of kitty and bunnies.
seniorcats wrote:
Um, I don't know how to say this but Deisel looks just like the kitty that was stolen from our house a few weeks back. Someone snuck in the house in the middle of the night. We think Melody let them in. Can you please bring him back to us? :biggrin2::biggrin2:
Bo....just what have you been up to....hmmmmm lol;)
Umm..... I asked Diesel and he said he's never been to Ohio, where you live, and doesn't know anybunny named Melody! :privateeyes
