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How bad is it? Is it just mooshy or is it really runny?

I would give her some rolled oats right now. It will help solid her up..... give her about 1 tsp for now.

Has she eaten anything new? what about carpet? has she eaten any?

The biggest concern is dehydration ......
yea shes eating and drinking just fine it wasjust stinky and her bunny but was covered in poo kind of half solid(sorry i reall dont know how to describe it) she hasent eaten anythingto out of the ordinary she has been geting alot of greens, i amassuming it is that.


I'd stop feeding her greens and stick to justhay, keep her drinking , even if you have to syringe it into her mouth,but definately no vegies for now and I agree with BBB some oats wouldhelp her too.

watch that it doesn't get too runny (her poopies I mean), it's veryscary, I went through it just a few weeks before x-mas with my firstbunny. If she stops drinking syringe her, she has to stay hydrated.

Good luck and let us now how you go.

If you get too worried about her call a vet, better to be safe than sorry.
Yep, stop the greens, give her some oats. Keep a close eye on her over night.....

Tomorrow, give her some more oats.... if she's still "runny" or "soft"give them to her after her next poo..... if not, then give her a bittomorrow about this time ......

Keep her off greens for at least 2 or 3 days and then just slowly start introducing them again........

Did she have a "new" type of green? or a lot of somethingparticular? like a lot of romaine? sometimes that can do it.

I know usually carpet and things like that cause stasis, but a person Iknow had a bunny almost die from the poos being loose after it atecarpet :(
no i never let her get at hte carpet, i just tookher downstairs andput her in her cage and fed her she went at her foodlike she always dose lol gimme gimme and i put fresh hay andwater in she seems to be doing fine besides the poopy butt.

Missey had the same problems with grass, reallyanything but for the weed that has sparkle stuff on the back she,andlike she really liked Soda Crackers..

maybe try Soda Crackers to help her harden it up
gjsara wrote:
no inever let her get at hte carpet, i just took her downstairs andput herin her cage and fed her she went at her food like she always dose lolgimme gimme and i put fresh hay and water in she seems to bedoing fine besides the poopy butt.

Is she overweight? can she reach behind herself to clean and to eat her cecals?

How is she today? Are her poos any more solid?

A gal I know had this go on and she ended up having to give her baby alittle bit of oats daily just to keep her stools solid. Ihave the opposite problem with Bo, he gets hard poos so I give the oatsto him to help "fluff" them LOL..... I think Raspberry told me it wouldwork that way as well.......

I give them to bo about 2 to 3 times each week :) He loveeeeeeeeeeeees them!

I like it cause I feed them from my hand. It's funny to feel them eating from your hand :)

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