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How ofter do you journal?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2007
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Orlando, Florida, USA
does anyone else keep a diary or journal? i tried when i was younger and never manged but when i was 12 1/2(ok, so i watched read it and weep and i thought it looked 'cool':p) i started and i haven't stopped since! my mom or anyone else i'm around don't really do it that i'm aware of(my mom definitely doesn't!) but i find it a great way to release things. and now that i've been at it for a while.....i love going back and rereading what i've written! although the boy-craziness of the first one does drive me a bit crazy! and, funnily enough, one of my two best friends came into my life within a few weeks of my starting journaling. as i read the entries i can watch our friendship grow and see him getting more and more important to me. i know it's probably crazy, but i love that:blushan:!(is that crazy?)

and what do you guys use? spiral bound notebooks are what i use mostly, but i want a really nice one for my 16th birthday to record that year:biggrin2:

so, any one else 'addicted'(probably the wrong word, but i can't thinkof anything better:rollseyes)to it?
i do more on line blogging, i like to write/type things, it helps me deal with stuff, if that makes sense. When something is bothering me i have to write it out. I did keep a note book when i was doing foster care, for the human kind, of the process and my placements and such but then i got out of it, it is alot easier for me to type during the day then to actually sit and write something,lol. So i like to do it buy i do it on line.
I blog on a few different websites. I always have to change names to keep people I know IRL out of my journals! I also like the feedback you can get online. I used to write in spiral notebooks all the time, but my dad kept going in my room and reading them.
I always wrote in journals. Not spiral notebooks. Sad to say, i always wrote when i was going thru my rough times in life. I was married to a very, very abusive person and it helped me thru it. I DIVORCED HIM!Our daughter who is 18 now wants to read them but I don't think she should. I went thru some sick stuff. I probably should burn them now.

I think it would be neat to start one at a young age and keep it thru the years. I wish I would have done that.
Sassy, I used to do that too...I kept a journal only through one of the tougher periods of my life (mostly revolving around the breakup of my marriage). There was a lot I documented that was hard to go back and read, but at the same time I wrote a lot about things I did with my son when he was a baby, etc. I eventually did get rid of the journals and now regret having done so, as I've forgotten a lot of the 'little moments' that I'd recorded about my son way back when. :expressionless

These days I don't journal day-to-day things so much, but I do keep an online diary just to record dreams I've had. And I must say, I discovered some surprising things just from doing that - going back and reading something and discovering it linked to a later event, etc. Kind of neat, really.
I actually keep three different ones and this month I've added a fourth. I keep one that I write down 5 things I'm thankful for everyday, one that is just for writing and a sketchjournal that I use at least 4-5 times a week. I also have a blog where some of this stuff gets posted occasionally.

One of the online blogs I follow has an "International Fake Journal Month" for the month of April where you are supposed to do something completely different in a separate journal for a month (pick a different spot to live, work, etc. and pretend that's your life for a month). I'm living in southern France in my other journal this month just for fun.:D
I have a visual journal. Basically I like to write but I'm not really good enough to do it every day and it still be interesting. Instead I have a visual journal which is sort of a mixture of a scrapbook and a diary. Sometimes I write in it like a journal, sometimes I just draw or paint, but most of the time I do a combination of both.
I use a Word document on my laptop because thats how I remember to do it!
I put MSN convos in there (the important ones) and basically its like a diary but I don't have to write it - I find I write more on my computer because my hand doesn't ache :p
Technically mine is a letter to God. But in reality it is a journal. But also a prayer. Mine is on my computer because that way I can insure no sibling gets to it. However, I have written on various medians before this.
Back when I was about 13/14/15, I suffered from severe deppression, although at the time I didn't know it. I used to have a big spiral notebook that I wrote in every night, for about 2 years. I was so unbelievably paranoid about someone reading it, I kept it under my mattress lined up with certain slats on my bed, with a book mark in a certain place and I'd freak out if I thought someone had moved it, even if it turned out if was just my mum making the bed LOL. I actually went through a phase of whenever I was at home, carting it round the house with me the whole time, so I always knew where it was! One day I was really, really worried that someone would find it and realise how unhappy I was, so I shredded the whole entire thing. I still have the shreddings actually, in a carrier bag! I carried on my diary after that, but not for very long. I have a metal documents box upstairs with my old diary and the shreddings locked away in! (No idea where the key is :p)

I started another one on my laptop a few years later when I was at uni in Bath, but I didn't keep it up for very long. I still have that and read it from time to time, but it's a bit embarrassing lol :blushan:

I've often wondered about starting my own blog online, but I know me, and I know I'd never keep it up for very long! :p
haha, i have mine under my mattress too Jen-the reason starts with E(and ends with M-I-L-Y. ie my (9y/o) sister. too heavy for her to lift).

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