Do all female bunnies get Dewlaps?
No. In some breeds, it is a disqualification. It tends to be the larger breed rabbits who develop dewlaps.
or do they only get them when they get pregnant?
Dewlaps don't go away, so rabbits don't only get them while they are pregnant. However, I've had rabbits who did not have dewlaps before and developed them during pregnancy. Dewlaps don't go away, so they still have them.
Is there a way to prevent a doe form getting them?
Yes, but it involves selectively breeding them out. This is what was done in the case of breeds where a large dewlap is a fault or disqualification. There is no way to prevent any random individual from developing a dewlap.
Do certain breeds get them more than others?
Yep, usually larger breeds. Dewlaps are not as common in smaller breeds.