Devil is getting neutered next week

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2005
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Seattle, Washington
What do I need to prepare for? What questions doI need to ask the vet? Does he need pain meds afterwards? I would lovesome help on this. I have never owned a rabbit before and now I amresponsible for his care and surgery.
Neuter isn't as big as a deal as spay. Expecthim to be a little sore afterwards but your vet SHOULD give you a fewday's worth of pain meds. Limit his activity for a few days following.Make sure he's eating and pooping not long after. If he does too longwithout food it's a problem. Do not fast you bun as they can't vomitand their stomach needs to keep moving. Overall it's not too big of adeal.
no no! rabbits shouldnt have to fast as it isimpossible for them to throw up!! ....i would suggest another vet ...unless it was a case in mine where the animal hospital i bring myrabbit to treats reg. animals and the vet tech called and said the samething. i promptly called back to speak with the vet and she apologized(she is an exotics vet while not all the techs are trained for exotics)and explained that, that is a routine call they do for spays andnueters and clarified there was no need for him to fast! i would speakto the vet themselves who is doing the surgery and if they say to fastthen i would be wary ..but until then..good luck and i hope everythinggoes alright!! :)
There areonly 3 vets remotely near me.One is charging $100, the other openly admits she doesn't know how toneuter a rabbit, and this one is capable of doing it for a decent pricefor the rescue. It was his receptionist that told me that. I am sureshe wasnt aware of the difference between rabbit surgery and catsurgery. I will be sure to ask him if he is experienced at it in themorning.
it costs $140 to get a rabbit neutered by really have to go by instinct as to what feels the most comfy foryou (much like picking out your own doctor). i am comfy with my doctortaht it was easy to understand one of the interns/techs made a mistakeb/c you have to request training for exotic vets.. its not readilygiven...when i asked my vet about sterilization she immediately broughtup how many she had operated on and had lost and was not offended by myquestioning...if any vet seems stand-offish for any question regardlessof the animal i would not feel comfortable with them.
I really dont have much of a choice here. Therescue is paying for his neuter, not me. If he doesnt seem like heknows what he is doing when I call in the morning, I will contact therescue. I am sure she wouldnt want an inexperienced vet cutting openher animal.
im sorry i didnt realize the situation you arein. that is awesome the rescue is paying for his neuter. i would alsoagree they wouldnt just want anyone preforming the neuter. im sure thisis prolly a doctor they have most of their sterilizationsdoneby. anywho the most you can do for him afterward isprovide safe bedding such as newspaper and ensure eating anddrinking...if you have to coerce with raisins, craisins, fruit whateverit may be is okay as long as theyare willing to eat anddrink.
Actually they have never dealt with this vet. Ilive in VA and the rescue is NC based. I am a client of their's andhave adopted guinea pigs from them. I came across this poorabused and neglected rabbit, took him immediately because they didntwant him anymore. Called the rescue and they agreed to let me fosterwhile they try to find him a home. She doesnt have any room for himdown there. They just took in 30 guinea pigs from a 78 yearold breeder who dumped them.
i dont think any rescue that takes in animalswould let them go to a chop-shop...neuters are minimally invasive anddont require that much surgical attention...i wish you the best in thisand you are such a good person for taking this bun in for the meantime!
Thank you so very much.

If this vet turns out to be a bad idea, she may want to consider takinghim down to her area for a neuter and then returning him to me when hehas recovered.
i dont know how you feel, but if someone toldthat to me, id feel per what you have said this rescuereally sounds like they are trying to do whats best.
She really cares about her animals. When Iadopted the guinea pigs, she drove 6 hours to bring them to me to makesure their cage and diet were adequate. She is very knowledgable ofsmall animals and I believe that she will do what is in the bestinterest of the rabbit.

I know that he isnt likely to get a good home unless he is neutered. Hebites a lot and is territorial. It is very difficult to deal with himas he is. I have another thread about this rabbit somewhere on thisforum. If you would like to look it up and read his history of abuse.
i did, i read about his biting and i reallyadmire you for fostering him still! .. i loved the pic of him hidingunder his toy!! i really do you wish the best outcome of this for youand devil!!
Did you see the ones of him in the trance getting his nails clipped?


haha! he looks just like my freddy gettin hisclipped ......except if he feels frisky about it .. i gotta wrap him uplike bunny burrito! (dish towels are the best)!
I actually accomplished the Rabbit Trance. I wasamazed. He just layed there like he wasnt in his body. I took my timeclipping every nail. Wish guinea pigs were like that. Here is anotherview. He looks so sweet in this one, you would wonder why he is calledDevil.


if you had shown me that picture first i wouldquestion as to why his name was, Devil! he looks like such an angel inthat pic!! i think you should keep him around.. he reallyseems like hes adjusting so well :)

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