Developed a bumpy rash after touching hay!

  • Thread starter Sophie's Humble Servant
  • Start date
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Sophie's Humble Servant


I'm kinda freaking out a bit. I was digging through Sophie's Timothy hay, at the moment it's Kaytee brand because they didn't have her other kind and my wrist suddenly got really itchy and these 5 little hives appeared. They proceeded to swell and become 2 large hives!

I checked her hay for those blister beetle things but can't see anything. I've always touched her hay and have never had an issue.

Should I be worried? Is this what blister beetle venom looks like?

Is it possible that your just allergic? Or they just tickled your skin and it got itchy? Is there bugs in the hay?
I didn't see any bugs. This has never happened before. As far as I know I'm not allergic to hay....but the bumps are starting to go down in size so I'm thinking it couldn't be from blister beetles.

Maybe I'm developing an allergy to hay?
It could be something in that particular bag of hay, but allergies can develop at any time. You might want to wear gloves for now when you pick up the hay and see how it goes.
It could be something in that particular bag of hay, but allergies can develop at any time. You might want to wear gloves for now when you pick up the hay and see how it goes.

Thanks, I think that's probably a good idea! I'm sure it's just a coincidence but go figure that this would happen on the brand of hay that she doesn't usually get...frig :/
I believe blister beetles only affect alfalfa hay.
Sometimes my skin just gets tickled by hay and I get hives... But then again I get hives from almost everything.

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