Destructive Bun

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
, Florida, USA
Hey Ya'll...I haven't been on here in awhile, due to my current hectic lifestyle! Going through a transitional time...

Anyway, some of you may remember, but a couple of months ago I bonded my bun Wrangler, to a female bun (Aura) that I adopted from a local rescue. Well, she's a sweetheart and Wrangler adores her (& she adores him)! There are a couple of things about her though that are irritating (mind you, she is only about 6-7 months old). When I first got Wrangler he was about a year old and quite irriating when I first brought him home (he chewed on everything)...and Aura chews on EVERYTHING. She also is having a hard time using the litter-box. She keeps going in this corner outside of the box.

Now, my buns currently have not had free reign, because about a month ago, I got a $100 fine for having them in my apartment complex (even though I've had Wrangler there for a year and a half) they have been staying in a pen at my grandparents' house. They also traveled with me to where my parents live, for 2 weeks. I have this nice pen that they seem content in, though I do feel sorry that they can't run around like they used to. And I am sure Aura doesn't like all of this moving around, but I hope to be settled and situated in the next couple of months (least by September). I just kind of regret getting her, because the poor thing is still so nervous and there's so much going on right now. But I do love her, and she makes Wrangler happy...I just want her to eventually calm down. Wrangler grew out of his "chewing everything stage"; he's turned into such a wonderful pet/companion. He hasn't been perfect (i.e. he used to get on my bed and pee/poop); but other than that, he's been terrific.

Won't Aura eventually get past this stage? I'd like to think that someday she'll chill out like Wrangler. Wrangler acts like a dog half the time; he'll just sprawl out in the middle of the floor.

So thanks for letting me vent; sorry that this thread is kind of long!

**btw Aura was caught chewing on my grandmother's *expensive* wood bookshelves while I was away today. Luckily, she didn't do much damage since my mother caught her in time...let's just say my mom was not too happy! I don't even know how she got over there cause she and Wrangler are kept in the pen...she must have pushed the pen over...
Yep, she will chill out in time. You have a teenage destructo-bun!
She should settle down a bit over the next year.

Glad Wrangler loves his new bun wife so much!

Has she been spayed yet? My girl was a nervous wreck, and hopeless at the litterbox until she was spayed.

I agree with your thought that all the upheaval is likely making her harder to litter train.

(Congrats on the new addition! I love her name :))
BrittsBunny wrote:
Hey Ya'll...I haven't been on here in awhile, due to my current hectic lifestyle! Going through a transitional time...

Anyway, some of you may remember, but a couple of months ago I bonded my bun Wrangler, to a female bun (Aura) that I adopted from a local rescue. Well, she's a sweetheart and Wrangler adores her (& she adores him)! There are a couple of things about her though that are irritating (mind you, she is only about 6-7 months old). When I first got Wrangler he was about a year old and quite irriating when I first brought him home (he chewed on everything)...and Aura chews on EVERYTHING. She also is having a hard time using the litter-box. She keeps going in this corner outside of the box.

Now, my buns currently have not had free reign, because about a month ago, I got a $100 fine for having them in my apartment complex (even though I've had Wrangler there for a year and a half) they have been staying in a pen at my grandparents' house. They also traveled with me to where my parents live, for 2 weeks. I have this nice pen that they seem content in, though I do feel sorry that they can't run around like they used to. And I am sure Aura doesn't like all of this moving around, but I hope to be settled and situated in the next couple of months (least by September). I just kind of regret getting her, because the poor thing is still so nervous and there's so much going on right now. But I do love her, and she makes Wrangler happy...I just want her to eventually calm down. Wrangler grew out of his "chewing everything stage"; he's turned into such a wonderful pet/companion. He hasn't been perfect (i.e. he used to get on my bed and pee/poop); but other than that, he's been terrific.

Won't Aura eventually get past this stage? I'd like to think that someday she'll chill out like Wrangler. Wrangler acts like a dog half the time; he'll just sprawl out in the middle of the floor.

So thanks for letting me vent; sorry that this thread is kind of long!

**btw Aura was caught chewing on my grandmother's *expensive* wood bookshelves while I was away today. Luckily, she didn't do much damage since my mother caught her in time...let's just say my mom was not too happy! I don't even know how she got over there cause she and Wrangler are kept in the pen...she must have pushed the pen over...
how about a phone book,,or fruit tree branches / twigs from the safe list,,could just be boredom...sincerely james waller
She may or may not grow out of it. It is most likely worse now because she is young and getting into that 'phase' like the terrible 2's as well. I have found that the best way to discourage it is by encouraging it. Lost me? I have 2 destruct-o buns and I give them things they can destroy and they do so happily. I get cardboard boxes and fill it with shredded or partly shredded paper and let them go at it. They pretty much destroy the box and it's contents. Like James mentioned, phone books can be great as well. Usually they like things they can chew, dig, shred, etc. I'm pretty sure there is a thread somewhere with homemade toys... :)

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