Well-Known Member
Hey Ya'll...I haven't been on here in awhile, due to my current hectic lifestyle! Going through a transitional time...
Anyway, some of you may remember, but a couple of months ago I bonded my bun Wrangler, to a female bun (Aura) that I adopted from a local rescue. Well, she's a sweetheart and Wrangler adores her (& she adores him)! There are a couple of things about her though that are irritating (mind you, she is only about 6-7 months old). When I first got Wrangler he was about a year old and quite irriating when I first brought him home (he chewed on everything)...and Aura chews on EVERYTHING. She also is having a hard time using the litter-box. She keeps going in this corner outside of the box.
Now, my buns currently have not had free reign, because about a month ago, I got a $100 fine for having them in my apartment complex (even though I've had Wrangler there for a year and a half) they have been staying in a pen at my grandparents' house. They also traveled with me to where my parents live, for 2 weeks. I have this nice pen that they seem content in, though I do feel sorry that they can't run around like they used to. And I am sure Aura doesn't like all of this moving around, but I hope to be settled and situated in the next couple of months (least by September). I just kind of regret getting her, because the poor thing is still so nervous and there's so much going on right now. But I do love her, and she makes Wrangler happy...I just want her to eventually calm down. Wrangler grew out of his "chewing everything stage"; he's turned into such a wonderful pet/companion. He hasn't been perfect (i.e. he used to get on my bed and pee/poop); but other than that, he's been terrific.
Won't Aura eventually get past this stage? I'd like to think that someday she'll chill out like Wrangler. Wrangler acts like a dog half the time; he'll just sprawl out in the middle of the floor.
So thanks for letting me vent; sorry that this thread is kind of long!
**btw Aura was caught chewing on my grandmother's *expensive* wood bookshelves while I was away today. Luckily, she didn't do much damage since my mother caught her in time...let's just say my mom was not too happy! I don't even know how she got over there cause she and Wrangler are kept in the pen...she must have pushed the pen over...
Anyway, some of you may remember, but a couple of months ago I bonded my bun Wrangler, to a female bun (Aura) that I adopted from a local rescue. Well, she's a sweetheart and Wrangler adores her (& she adores him)! There are a couple of things about her though that are irritating (mind you, she is only about 6-7 months old). When I first got Wrangler he was about a year old and quite irriating when I first brought him home (he chewed on everything)...and Aura chews on EVERYTHING. She also is having a hard time using the litter-box. She keeps going in this corner outside of the box.
Now, my buns currently have not had free reign, because about a month ago, I got a $100 fine for having them in my apartment complex (even though I've had Wrangler there for a year and a half) they have been staying in a pen at my grandparents' house. They also traveled with me to where my parents live, for 2 weeks. I have this nice pen that they seem content in, though I do feel sorry that they can't run around like they used to. And I am sure Aura doesn't like all of this moving around, but I hope to be settled and situated in the next couple of months (least by September). I just kind of regret getting her, because the poor thing is still so nervous and there's so much going on right now. But I do love her, and she makes Wrangler happy...I just want her to eventually calm down. Wrangler grew out of his "chewing everything stage"; he's turned into such a wonderful pet/companion. He hasn't been perfect (i.e. he used to get on my bed and pee/poop); but other than that, he's been terrific.
Won't Aura eventually get past this stage? I'd like to think that someday she'll chill out like Wrangler. Wrangler acts like a dog half the time; he'll just sprawl out in the middle of the floor.
So thanks for letting me vent; sorry that this thread is kind of long!
**btw Aura was caught chewing on my grandmother's *expensive* wood bookshelves while I was away today. Luckily, she didn't do much damage since my mother caught her in time...let's just say my mom was not too happy! I don't even know how she got over there cause she and Wrangler are kept in the pen...she must have pushed the pen over...