desperate to know his breed!

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May 3, 2010
Reaction score
Greensburg , Pennsylvania, USA
Hi all! I am new here and already posted pics of my Marshmallow in the introduction forum, but I will post here too just to see if I can get your thoughts. I bought Marshmallow from a local pet store and they were not able to tell me what breed he is nor his birthdate. (which I am quite sad about since I know the birthdate of my other rabbit and would love to be able to celebrate Mallow's too!) Anyways, he is about 3 pounds if that helps- here are some pics:




Thanks in advance to anyone who may give me an ideas as to what my lil guy is! I really appreciate it! :biggrin:
Yes he is a mixed breed. When you buy rabbits from petstores, most of them are either mixed or very low quality purebreds.
He doesn't exactly meet the standard for any particular breed standard, so I agree that he appears to be a mix breed.

He appears to have an arched body type with fine bone resembling a Britannia Petite. The maximum weight of a Britannia Petite is 2 1/2 lbs. and the maximum ear length is 2 1/2 inches. Your rabbit's ears are very long and set farther apart than desired in a Brit.

The rabbit does not appear (to me) to be very young.

There are actuallysome breeders who sell purebred rabbits to pet stores (I know of anEast coast supplier years ago that sold quality animals to pet stores)and I've even known of a few Best In Show rabbits that have come from pet stores - you never know what you'll find!
At the shelter we get a lot of Dutch/Havana mixes (although Havana is a rare breed, it's pretty common around here, and many of our rabbits come from one particular individual who has a Havana), and they look a lot like Marshmallow except they're bigger and chunkier. So I would say that he's a Dutch mixed with something dwarfy, unless he still has room to grow. Those ears are pretty spectacular--they don't remind me of either a Dutch or a Brittania, more of a bigger bunny.
I am not a breeder but a bunch of us pet owners celebrate our bunny gotcha day.

Storms is jan 7th and my new bunny I will celebrate her birthday not her gotcha day. Her B-Day is August 26th

This was Storms party

Gee- I just typed Britannia Petite into google (I've never actually seen or heard of one) and Marshmallow certainly looks very similar! I think he would definately have some part Britannia Petite in him!

Pam you are awesome when it comes to this kind of stuff!!


Look how similar they are! I mean, obviously the colouring is different, and I have NOOOO idea what I'm talking about lol. I don't have the 'eye' for that sort of stuff, but they look very similar to me! Especially the left-hand one- it's ears seem longer, like Marshmallow's

Wow...I've never heard of a 'Tan' breed either lol! I can't find any info on that. BUT Marshmallow looks definately like whatever it is! Lol. Kind of like a Britannia Petite but with much bigger ears.

I really am a complete dunce when it comes to breeds though :p

jcottonl02 wrote:
Wow...I've never heard of a 'Tan' breed either lol! I can't find any info on that. BUT Marshmallow looks definately like whatever it is! Lol. Kind of like a Britannia Petite but with much bigger ears.

I really am a complete dunce when it comes to breeds though :p

They do have the same arched body type, but Brits are much smaller.;)We have a beautiful chocolate Tan doe named "Sissy", but she sure is a little stinker.
pamnock wrote:
jcottonl02 wrote:
Wow...I've never heard of a 'Tan' breed either lol! I can't find any info on that. BUT Marshmallow looks definately like whatever it is! Lol. Kind of like a Britannia Petite but with much bigger ears.

I really am a complete dunce when it comes to breeds though :p

They do have the same arched body type, but Brits are much smaller.;)We have a beautiful chocolate Tan doe named "Sissy", but she sure is a little stinker.

Oh i see! Do you know the average weight of each, Pam? Which would you say Marshmallow is more likely to be 'part' of?

Tan is probably out of the question. Britannia Petite is unlikely due to being so rare, but your rabbit does have some similarities. Most likely a mixture w/ a fine boned animal contributing to his genetics (Polish is another fine boned breed).

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