Hello my name is Ray and my girlfriend and I recently bought a bunny off of craigslist. I believe she is a netherland dwarf. The previous owner says this bunny is about 1 year old. My girlfriend and I renamed her Luna and I don't know if this is bad. When we got her she was pretty scared and shy and would run under our bed to hide. While hiding she would poop everywhere under the bed and sometimes there would be some sign of pee marks. I would vacuum all this up and she would do it again the next time. I read that this is a territorial thing. After 2 days she began to gain trust of us. We could pet her and hold her without any struggling. I know she liked being pet because she would elongate her body when I give her a full body stroke. However 2 days ago I let her out of her cage and she would play and jump and twist around having a blast, but I had to run some errands so I put her back into her cage. When my girlfriend came back home and put her hand in the cage to take her out she scratched and bit her. I know that rabbits don't like that but we are new owners of a bunny so we didn't have any idea till we read up on it. After that incident she has never been the same. She still scratches at us when we go under the bed to try and get her to come out to go back into the cage when we are about to sleep. We are desperate to gain her trust again but we don't even know whats wrong. I been doing non stop research and I found out it could be hormonal and she is in heat. Different sources would tell you that because she is in heat she would be aggressive and territorial and some sites say rabbits do not go into heat. If she is in heat how long does it usually last??? Currently Luna is running around the room and she will come towards my feet and sniff around but the moment I reach out my hand to her she would run away. Im resisting to touch her and just ignore her like:whatever but its proving very hard cause she is just so cute and fluffy and my girlfriend and I are desperate for her love!!!!ullhair:ullhair:ullhair:I leave carrots around the floor for her to take her pick and eat it but she ignores it =(.