depressed rabbit????

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Sep 23, 2006
Reaction score
westland, Michigan, USA
i just bought a mni rex doe. i bought her onsaturday, breed her on sunday and now she seems depressed. is thispossible? if so how to make her feel better. i feel horrible like itsmy fault.-melissa
is she eating, drinking,and pooping normally?

she probably just needs some time to adjust. she might just be scaredin her new environment. I remember you said you got her at a pet store.If you're keeping her outside now (i know its been cold here at night)she might be having trouble adjusting to that too.

I know you mentioned that you wanted to breed her, but I would hold off. It might just stress her out even further.

I think she's probably feeling a lot ofstress. Most rabbits need time to adjust to new homes and newpeople, not to mention new rabbits around her. If she's notalready pregnant, I'd recommend not breeding her for a while to let hersettle in. Plus, it's a good idea to quarantine new rabbitsfor a few weeks in case they're carrying a disease that isn't showingsymptoms yet.
thanks everybody for you responses. she seems oktoday. like a normal rabbit should act. she is eating...alot. haha. ialready breed her the day after i bought her. i probbly should ahvewaited awhile but i wanted to do it before it got cold. but she seemsnormal now. thanks alot.