Dental Trouble

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Jan 10, 2008
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Kent, , United Kingdom
As I was eating my meal earlier, I felt a tooth break. Its snapped below the gum line but moves and when it does there are sickly twinges. If it snaps off totally, I'm in bigger trouble.

My Dad phoned NHS direct-after about 20 questions from them, he was finally given the info he needed. Can't even phone the emergency dental place until 7pm at earliest (their rules) then I'll need to pay cash, can't even use a credit card. There goes that rabbit hutch money I had set aside :0( Am not sure what they will do. Am scared of painful treatment but they can yank it out to get rid of the damnthing provided they disable the nerve under it too.

Am not happy. Will be on edge/anxious until it is sorted out.

Jo x
Good luck. I'm having my very first filling on Monday. Actually i'm having two and i am completley petrified. :bawl: At least we are on Denplan so i don't have to pay anything.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny

Good thoughts and wishes coming your way....both of you. I'm totally dentist phobic, so I feel your trepidation!

Jo, did you get it taken care of? Hope everything went well.

Pinksalamander....good luck on Monday. I'll be thinking of you.
Best of luck, Jo;). I'd be scared too, and I also hate getting dental work done. I can't believe it just broke like that, could it have been decayed? My husband broke a tooth once from eating pizza and biting on a piece of bone. You might have a crown there after today. Let us know how it goes!
Sounds like we're all in for it! I have to have a root canal on Thursday and I'll also have another tooth worked on.

Thankyou for the kind thoughts all. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. In as much as you can "get lucky" with needing dental work done, I did. Turned out the tooth I thought I had broken was a baby tooth that had not come out. After some numbing, it took about 10 seconds for it to be pulled out and there were no roots or nerves attached which madeit simple.The dentist told me "Lay back and think of something nice". I felt a pull and then it was over. I looked at the tiny tooth the dentist showed me and coomented "Is that it? it looks so small!"The remaining hole is a bit sore but should be ok in a few days. Oh and I got the treatment free because I'm in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance, so my rabbit hutch money is still there :)

That was a wake up call though as I know I need other work done (sugar is bad). I found a good dentist in 2006. Hehas only accepted private patients since 2007but I've now decided I'mprepared to pay himforsome peace of mind.

To all awaiting tretament, I'm sending relaxation vibes out to you.

Jo xx

I survived! :yahoo:

It wasn't very nice, bu hey, its in the past! I didn't actually know but apparently on riday when i had the check up, my Mum ran in at the end to let my dentist know that i am a complete needlephobe. I'm lucky that i have no 'dentish phobia' because i have a great dentist. He is the same my Mum had as a teen. When i was only 3 or 4 he would sit me up on the chair and have a 'look' in my mouth just for fun, to get me used to being at the dentist. My teddies even got a 'check-up' too. I think if you get your child used to the dentist before they really need to go then it makes them alot more confident about it.

The injections weren't nice at all. Another good thing (or maybe not) about my dentist is that he is diabetic, so he knows how to inject properly. He said alot of people will inject as quickly as possible to get it 'over and done with' which can actually be alot more painful. He took about 2 minutes to completley push in all the liquid but it didn't hurt as bad.

I felt like a hamster afterwards, i couldn't drink without dribbling everywhere and i couldn't speak or smile. The numbness has only just gone and now i have toothache!

Leaf i hope yours goes OK on Thursday!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
That so sucks! I was just at my dentist last week and he was SO afraid when replacing a crown I had from 20 years ago would break and that I would be there for 3 hours dealing w/the aftermatch I was paranoid as all get out..

Luckily he pulled out the old crown and was able to reglue it that no "major" dental work was needed to be done so I got away lucky..

Hate huge dental work so I can feel for you all!
Glad it wasn't so bad, Fran:).

Just wanted to comment on the injection thing. That's great that he doesn't make a hurry of it, mine don't either. I actually require something that begins with an M (not Novacaine) as it doesn't work very well for me. I also require many injections, at times we can be up to 5 or 6 for 2 or3 fillings:?. I'm always like, bring them on, as I would rather not feel anything, thank you very much!:p

Injections don't really bother me, I've gotten used to it. Mine dentists do take about a minute or so to inject each time. I had one dentist that would even massage the injection site for a few seconds right after, he said it made the stuff work better, moved it around.

I just wish they'd use the laser stuff, I can't wait for that, I hate the drilling! And for a crown or root canal, that vibrating thing, I hate that thing:grumpy:.
:expressionlessTomorrow morning I'll be at the dentist myself. I keep trying to talk myself out of going but I know I have to so...

I probably wont be on tomorrow morning, but perhaps later int he evening. I have to work tonite and will just have time to come home and shower before I have to head to the dentist office.