Well-Known Member
Actually, right now I'm feeling okay, as I just took another painkiller (gotta love those prescription meds when they're needed!). But I had oral surgery on Monday and have been feeling pretty ickky ever since. I had a skin graft done...the dentist takes a piece of skin from the roof of the mouth and then stitches it onto the area to be this case over the top of a tooth. She had to grind down part of the tooth before doing this, and then take the graft from the top of my mouth. I've had this procedure done once before, many years ago, and it was a nightmare back then because as soon as the dentist began cutting the graft with her scalpel, I discovered that the area hadn't frozen. Wound up in intense pain for a very long time.
This time however, she made sure everything was frozen solid(!) before beginning. And there was no pain, just a feeling of pressure and (ick ick ick) blood...lots of blood that was pouring from the roof of my mouth after she cut it. But it seems that this time I've developed an infection, despite being put on antibiotics as a face has been swelling for the past couple of days and now the pain has been getting worse, extending down to my jaw. Dentist said not to worry too much, as the antibiotics should take care of it. But silly me...I returned to work today. No sympathy from my looked at me, said I didn'tappear too bad, and then went on about how I have to get caught up in work. :?
So this is a poor me post. Well, poor me whenever the painkillers start to wear off...otherwise, I'm feeling fine in between....:biggrin2:
This time however, she made sure everything was frozen solid(!) before beginning. And there was no pain, just a feeling of pressure and (ick ick ick) blood...lots of blood that was pouring from the roof of my mouth after she cut it. But it seems that this time I've developed an infection, despite being put on antibiotics as a face has been swelling for the past couple of days and now the pain has been getting worse, extending down to my jaw. Dentist said not to worry too much, as the antibiotics should take care of it. But silly me...I returned to work today. No sympathy from my looked at me, said I didn'tappear too bad, and then went on about how I have to get caught up in work. :?
So this is a poor me post. Well, poor me whenever the painkillers start to wear off...otherwise, I'm feeling fine in between....:biggrin2: