Dedication to Our Bunnies

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Ok here's the deal :pI want stories ofthings you do that show how dedicated to your rabbits you are! Thisshould be fun and I'll start off.

This morning I woke up around 4:00 AM, got up to turn off a light mydad left on and was shining in my room, then went to get a drink andrealized that my bunnies water had been frozen forabout6hours and they were probably thirsty.

So what did I do? Half asleep, I slipped on my coat and gloves (myhands stick to the metal latches, lol) and out the door to melt the icefrom there water dishes. It got down to -15*F/-26*C last night and thesecond I hit that cold air I was wide awake.

Then I spent maybe 15 minutes melting ice in a fashion that wouldn'tcrack the plastic bowl and took the bowls out, put fresh water in andheaded back to bed.

Once in bed, It hit me that a normal person wouldn't give there rabbitwater at 4:00 am adn that was the inspiration of this post seeing ashow I can't be the only dedicated one!
You are a very dedicated bunny mom MyBunnyBoys.Your boys are very lucky to have you. I am up at seven everydaycleaning out the cages and letting the buns out for a run before I amoff to school, as soon as I am home they alternate who has time out toplay. I clean their cages again at the end of the day, all this cagecleaning sure can wear a person out! Everyday I make time to sit on thefloor with all of the kits and take turns spending time with each oneindividually. This tends to be a very lenghty process since there aresix kits. Ten minutes a piece and an hour has already rolled by. I makesure all of my buns cares are met before I even start on homework!Maybe that is just an excuse to put the homework off ;)Iguess the biggest thing I do for my buns is spend time with them anddoing things for them. Time to me is very important and I give a lot ofit to my buns cause I sure do love them! They make it worthwhileanyways with their cuteness.

Fergi's mom
Two nights ago I woke up at 3 am and the heaterwas on or I had a nightmare about my bunny overheating. When I checkedon him he was happily hopping around his cage.
How about cradling Peanut on her back to clean her poopie butt? If that's not dedication, I don't know what is :D
m.e. wrote:
How about cradling Peanut on her back to clean her poopie butt? If that's not dedication, I don't know what is :D

yeah that has to be dedication. I am glad my bunny cleans himself.
She has very thick, thick fur on her belly andbottom, so sometimes the soft poops will get stuck on her bum and tail.Then we have to gently clean them off. She sometimes gets matts on herbelly too, those are no fun to deal with :(
Dedication to rabbits hmmm....

Going to bed at 12 pm and getting up at 2 am to go to a rabbit show

Staying up all night till kits arrive for first time mothers

Cleaning dirty butts all the time!

Staying up to weee hours in the morning helping someone on a message board with their rabbits

Missing a day of school because I had to stay up all night with a litter of rabbits who's mother had died after kindling them

Staying awake at night thinking of what the next litter of rabbits will be named

Putting a cold kit in my bra to warm it up! (I've even had one die while 'warming up)
I've gone to the grocery storeand forgot I had a baby in mybra till I was at the cash register and it started wiggling. (Examplethat one to a cash register lady!)

Having to borrow items from your rabbits because you don't have any!(Q-tips, cotton balls, tums, buckets (had to use two buckets last nightwhen the 10 gallon fish tank sprung a leak!), eye drops etc.)

Ruining yourfavorite shirt because you tattooed jumpy rabbits at a moments notice!

Spending hours to make sure the rabbits are nice and clean but only a few minutes to make sure my living area is nice and clean!

Having everything on your computer desk related to rabbits and hardly anything related to yourself.

Getting on the computer only to do rabbit related stuff (messageboards/pedigree software, talking to rabbit friends about rabbits,answering rabbit related email, getting nothing but rabbit relatedemail (boy do I get exicited when I get a non-rabbit email!))

Dragging a garden hose across the yard in the snowat midnightto water rabbits because ya forgot to make sure they were filled up atwatering time. I also drain out the hoses because otherwise the hosefreezes..thats a mess! I even have a spare hose in the garage waitingto be used when needed.

You go to the store and buy more things for your rabbits (or animals at that matter) then for yourself!

I could go on and on, but I think I'll stop for now!
One day i was out fedding my rabbits and i gotstung by a bee. I dint think much about becuse we had quite a few nestsaound out house. The next day I came out and my Scruggs (aholland lop) was flying arond his cage and theri were bees flying allaound. I then relized that theie was a nest were the leg of the cageatached to the cage. I qukily had to reach in and grab my pore Scruggsand run for it. Luckly i dint get stung but i was so sure i was goingto. Pore bunny had a whol swarm of bees in his cage with him.
Oh and I have another, lol.

Bearing -40 weather and colder to feed the bunnies twice a day, cleantheir cages daily, give them some deserved attention, to make suretheir insulated hide away boxes are well stocked with straw for addedwarmth, and to change there water 7-8 times a day... sometimes even inblizzard condtions and severe windchill factors, lol.
Wow, my form of dedication doesn't seem quite asextreme as the rest of yours. No going outside for them, noreally late night time water fillings, no dirty bottoms, (Thank God.)My thing that shows the most dedication is my time spent on them.Playing with them daily, learning about them, and cleaning cages andsuch. As long as they're happy and healthy, I'm happy to try my best tokeep them that way.

Well you did travel all the way down to Rhode Island to get them. That's pretty dedicated :D

and I wouldn't wish dirty bum duties on anyone....
Every time I let the little stinkers out to playevery day, that's my dedication to them. Making sure theydon't get into things they shouldn't, cleaning up after them, nothaving holidays like I used to because of what the bunnies might getinto, cleaning their cages every day, worrying about them, and whenthey do get sick or are in trouble, getting up around the clock to carefor them regardless of the time. Making sure that I alwayshave fresh hay, food, (taking up freezer space and containers),vegetables for them. Lugging around 30 lb. or heavier bags offood and litter up at least 20 steps.

I think the thing that raised the most eye browsin my family was when I decorated Mr. Wiggles cage. They all thought itwas cute in the end, but they couldn't figure out why I would "waste"my time decorating a rabbit cage.


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