Well-Known Member
Ok here's the deal I want stories ofthings you do that show how dedicated to your rabbits you are! Thisshould be fun and I'll start off.
This morning I woke up around 4:00 AM, got up to turn off a light mydad left on and was shining in my room, then went to get a drink andrealized that my bunnies water had been frozen forabout6hours and they were probably thirsty.
So what did I do? Half asleep, I slipped on my coat and gloves (myhands stick to the metal latches, lol) and out the door to melt the icefrom there water dishes. It got down to -15*F/-26*C last night and thesecond I hit that cold air I was wide awake.
Then I spent maybe 15 minutes melting ice in a fashion that wouldn'tcrack the plastic bowl and took the bowls out, put fresh water in andheaded back to bed.
Once in bed, It hit me that a normal person wouldn't give there rabbitwater at 4:00 am adn that was the inspiration of this post seeing ashow I can't be the only dedicated one!
This morning I woke up around 4:00 AM, got up to turn off a light mydad left on and was shining in my room, then went to get a drink andrealized that my bunnies water had been frozen forabout6hours and they were probably thirsty.
So what did I do? Half asleep, I slipped on my coat and gloves (myhands stick to the metal latches, lol) and out the door to melt the icefrom there water dishes. It got down to -15*F/-26*C last night and thesecond I hit that cold air I was wide awake.
Then I spent maybe 15 minutes melting ice in a fashion that wouldn'tcrack the plastic bowl and took the bowls out, put fresh water in andheaded back to bed.
Once in bed, It hit me that a normal person wouldn't give there rabbitwater at 4:00 am adn that was the inspiration of this post seeing ashow I can't be the only dedicated one!