Dear Sebastian's Little Girl

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Dear Sebastian's Little Girl,

You should've seen Tucker, Fauna, and Cali these past couple of days. They were the best.

I have a cold, and I'm feeling much better now, but it started Fridaymorning and it hit hard. I didn't let the rabbits out because I had tostay in bed.

This morning, I was feeling guilty about it, but still needed to getlots of rest. I contemplated taking them out because I still wasn't inthe shape to chase after them, which Tucker will make me do if he getsin trouble.

In any case, I decided I'd pull out the sofa-bed in the living room,plop the mattress on the floor and let them out and see how it goes.

You should've seen them. Tucker hasn't left the foot of the mattressall day; he hasn't gotten into a stitch of trouble or mischief; hecomes up and checks on me every so often, as does Fauna; and no onepooped or peed on the bed at all and they both used theirlitterboxes. Boy did they surprise me!

Pretty cool, isn't it? Cali has been mopey and sleepy all day. We all just chilled out and got through it together.


How was your day? Did you play any new games with Sebastian?

That is so cool Carolyn! I wish my bunny didthat! I wish me and you lived closer so Sebastian and Tucker and Faunaand Cali lived closer so they code get along. We code be best pals andso code the bunnys! Sebastian is to wound up he never really comes overand sits with me. I bet your bunnys are special. I think they new youwere sick. They must love you. I know Sebastian loves me but I don'tknow why he doesnt come sit with me. :XNo fair!

Sebastian's Little Girl

Oh Sweetheart,

My three Trouble Bubbles rarely sit with me when they're out. They'retoo busy running around and getting into everything to stop and see me.You're right, they acted that way because they knew I was feeling underthe weather.

Normally, Cali and Fauna always visit me when they're out, but today, they did it a lot.

And Tucker? He barely lets me touch him ever since Cali arrived; hisnose has been in the air since Fauna became His Girl. He was the onethat stayed at the foot of my bed the whole day watching me. I referredto that as being right by my side, but he wasn't really rightby my side. (He let me pet him today when the others weren'tlooking.) :)

Things will be back to normal tomorrow, I'm sure. Believe me, aroundthis house, it's not when I want to pet my rabbits, it's when they'llallow me to and for how long. :?

As to Sebastian not sitting with you and all that jazz: he plays somany cool games with you. My rabbits don't play Yatzee orGameboy Advance with me. And my rabbits won't let me dress themup, or wrap them like a baby. They barely let me hold them. I love themjust the same though. :)

The picture in your avatar is something I don't ever seeing me being todo with my little ones. Sebastian just hangs out with you like I've notseen any other rabbit do with anybody. I am so envious of the waySebastian adores you. Even your mom has said on a number ofoccasions that he gets a sparkle in his eye when he hears your voice.She even told me about how depressed Sebastian was when you startedschool this year. Ask her about it.

You've got a very special connection with that little guy. It hasmelted all of our hearts in this forum. Luckily, your mom has let ussee the pictures - and the proof is all there. :)

I wish we lived closer too, but I'm so glad you're out there and we're buds.

:) :)

Talk soon!

How are youdoing? Inow a Bunny hoo kissist me all day non!STOP!

I wasSoked hewas alone all night! HMM he was GLAD to see me!

Sebastian's Little Girl
You sure can, Sweetheart.

Have at it!


Sebastians Little Girl wrote:
How are youdoing? Inow a Bunny hoo kissist me all day non!STOP!

I wasSoked hewas alone all night! HMM he was GLAD to see me!

Sebastian's Little Girl

How wonderful! You see, just when you think they don't care,they bathe you with kisses. Without a doubt, you are Sebbie'sFavorite person in The Whole World!

Gosh, it's nice to see you this morning!!


Ohhhh!! That's what you meant! I want to see that movie!! It looks great!

Wish I could go with you, Sebastian's Little Girl. You'll have to let us all know what you think of it.


Sebastians Little Girl wrote:
Carolyn can i make new Topik for Sebastian called dereSebastian?I am going to go seeRaceing Strips!

Sebastian'sLittle Girl
We went to see it on Friday! How did you like it? I want Stripes for my own.

My daughter, Lexi, has wanted a Zebra to ride since she was about 2years old. She's 9 now. Her papa has a horse thathas brown, zebra striped legs (she's what is called a DUNN color andthey have those). She rides her as often as she can!

Lexi also wants llamas. :?

There's a couple of llama farms in Tucker Town - I'm totally serious. Come to the Boathouse Bunny Party; you'll see!


Oh, yeah, we have several llama farms here.

I'll be sure to pick up a couple of extras for the others who want them! :p
Dear Sebastian's Little Girl:

You tell Sebastian that Iszy is not a dirty little girl anymore. She got a haircut.

Carolyn wrote:

You leave Cali's Man alone!!

Don't you flirt withhim!!

C'mon! Look at that hot bod in action!!



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