Dealing with hormones...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
I know I've posted about these exact two rabbits before, but I've tried what was suggested and it worked for a bit but now everything's worse.

My two 7 month old Holland Lop does are hopefully going to have babies early next week, and even though I'm excited and what not I just can't STAND their behaviour anymore- I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones or just hormones in general.

Both of them scratch at their cage floors & their litter boxes all night & day, they tug and chew on their water bottles, they push everything out of the litter box and they just poop EVERYWHERE- maybe if I'm lucky half makes it in the litter box. Plus both have taken to lunging at me.

I give them toys, I play with them, they're let out all day((from like 10 to 10)).

No one in my family can stand it anymore. The only reason they're inside now is because they're pregnant and we don't want the babies outside.

Is there ANYTHING else I can do to make them stop, or do we just have to deal until we can move them outside?
Also, before you say it, there is no way we will spay them- these are show rabbits and I'm basically an extension of a breeder.
I speak from no breeding experience, but I think this is just normal doe behavior. After they give birth it may improve but there's no telling. The bun is an active, normal animal displaying normal animal behavior... I hate to say it, but sometimes you just have to deal with it. Hopefully it's more tolerable outside of your home when the babies are old enough..?

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